Carrie (Movie)

Title — Carrie
Available on — Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video
Production Country — United States
Release Date — 1976
An outcast teen with telekinetic ability lashes out with her deadly power when the high school "in crowd" torments her with a sick joke at the prom.

🪶 Story & Synopsis

In the classic thriller movie “Carrie,” directed by Kimberly Peirce, the audience is introduced to Carrie White, a shy and friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, Margaret White. The film unfolds as Carrie navigates the challenges of being a high school senior, facing relentless bullying and ridicule from her classmates due to her social outcast status.

Carrie’s mother, Margaret, holds extreme religious beliefs that condemn anything related to sexuality, including menstruation, which she considers sinful. Carrie’s only ally at school is her phys ed teacher, Miss Collins, who tries to offer support despite warnings from Margaret to stay away from Carrie.

The plot thickens when an incident in the phys ed class triggers a chain of events that lead to Carrie’s classmates being punished. Chris Hargensen, a vindictive student, seeks revenge on Carrie for the punishment, while Sue Snell, a more compassionate peer, starts to feel remorseful for her treatment of Carrie.

As the school year progresses, Sue, feeling guilty, persuades her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to take Carrie to the senior prom instead of her. This decision enrages Margaret, who believes that Carrie will be exposed to sinful behavior at the prom. The tension builds as Carrie grapples with her newfound telekinetic powers, which she decides to unleash at the prom in a bid to break free from the oppression she has endured for so long.

Carrie’s night at the prom, which initially seemed like a glimmer of happiness in her isolated life, takes a dark turn when bullies execute a cruel and humiliating prank on her. The pivotal moment of public humiliation triggers a terrifying display of Carrie’s telekinetic abilities, resulting in a catastrophic and unforgettable climax.

The film “Carrie” delves into themes of isolation, bullying, religious extremism, and the consequences of unchecked power. Sissy Spacek delivers a haunting performance as Carrie White, capturing the character’s vulnerability and eventual transformation into a force to be reckoned with. The supporting cast, including Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, Nancy Allen, William Katt, P. J. Soles, Betty Buckley, and John Travolta, adds depth to the narrative, creating a compelling and chilling cinematic experience.

With a budget of $1.8 million, “Carrie” went on to achieve box office success, grossing $33.8 million in the United States and Canada. The film’s adaptation from Stephen King’s novel and the direction of Kimberly Peirce breathe new life into the iconic story, solidifying “Carrie” as a timeless classic in the horror genre.

🧑 Cast & Crew

Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, William Katt, John Travolta, Nancy Allen, Betty Buckley, P.J. Soles, Priscilla Pointer, Sydney Lassick, Stefan Gierasch, Michael Talbott, Doug Cox, Harry Gold, Noelle North

Actor Role
Chloë Grace Moretz Carrie White
Julianne Moore Margaret White
Gabriella Wilde Sue Snell
Portia Doubleday Judy Greer
Alex Russell Ansel Elgort
Portia Doubleday Judy Greer
Zoë Belkin Samantha Weinstein
Karissa Strain Demetrius Joyette
Barry Shabaka Henley Arlene Mazerolle
Evan Gilchrist Eddie
Max Huband Tyler Rushton
Connor Price Jefferson Brown
Cynthia Preston Philip Nozuka
Kyle Mac Max Topplin
Mouna Traoré Derek McGrath
Christopher Britton Katie Strain
Zoe Belkin Actress

💬 Reviews and feedback

How Scary is the Movie Carrie?

Imagine you’re at a high school prom, all dressed up, ready to dance the night away. Now imagine your date turns out to be a telekinetic teenager with a serious chip on her shoulder. That’s “Carrie” (1976) for you—it’s like stepping into a nightmare you didn’t sign up for but can’t look away from. Directed by Brian De Palma, this adaptation of Stephen King’s novel is one rollercoaster ride of emotions, scares, and deep, thought-provoking themes.

Parents should note that while “Carrie” might not be as graphically violent as some modern horror flicks, it packs a punch with its intense emotional scenes. We’re talking about abusive relationships, psychological trauma, and destructive powers that make you rethink every high school grudge you’ve ever had. It’s the kind of movie where you might want to keep the lights on afterward—and maybe give your mom an extra hug.

Why You Should Watch Carrie

“Carrie” is genuinely phenomenal. Yes, it’s been said before—a lot—but if it’s been sitting on your watchlist gathering virtual dust, now’s the time to hit play. This film isn’t just about horror; it’s about humanity’s darker sides and the resilience of its heart.

The movie tackles femininity and feminism head-on. From Carrie’s coming-of-age struggles to her mother’s oppressive religiosity, it explores women’s roles within a patriarchal society in ways that strike home even today. Plus, there’s something universally appealing about watching someone finally stand up against their tormentors—even if it involves some supernatural fireworks.

The Message Behind Carrie

At its core, “Carrie” is more than just blood-soaked prom dresses and telekinetic temper tantrums. The film delves into themes of femininity and feminism—examining how women navigate societal expectations and internalized misogyny. It’s like “Mean Girls” but with more pig’s blood and fewer fetch moments.

The ‘sisterhood’ concept gets put through the wringer here—showing both its potential for support and destruction. It’s a powerful reminder that solidarity among women can be life-changing or devastating when twisted by envy or fear.

Binge-Watching Tips:

  • Get Comfortable: This isn’t just any horror flick; it’s an emotional journey. Grab some snacks (maybe avoid anything red), get cozy under your favorite blanket—you’re in for quite the ride!
  • Keep Company: Watching alone can amplify the scares! Invite friends over so you can collectively gasp at those hair-raising scenes together.
  • Tissue Box Handy: You might need it—not only because of fear but also due to Carrie’s heart-wrenching plight throughout her story arc.

Carrie’s Rating: R for Realness

The R rating on “Carrie” isn’t just there because someone thought it looked cool—it’s justified by scenes of violence and scariness that will stick with you long after the credits roll. From cruel pranks to outright murder attempts (and let’s not forget self-harm), this movie doesn’t shy away from showing humanity at its worst.

A Masterclass in Thrills: Direction by Brian De Palma

If Alfred Hitchcock had a love child with Stephen King (figuratively speaking), it would probably be Brian De Palma directing “Carrie.” His teasing style—a mixture of comedy intertwined seamlessly within horror—keeps viewers on edge throughout every scene transition without ever feeling clichéd or predictable.

Lyrical Terrorism: Cinematography & Score

“Carrie” boasts cinematography that’s both beautiful yet terrifyingly lyrical—like watching poetry unfold only darker than Edgar Allan Poe could’ve imagined! The score complements these visuals perfectly; haunting melodies linger long after each scene ends adding another layer onto already palpable tension building towards ultimate climax—the prom night!

A Cast That Captivates: Acting & Characters

  • Sissy Spacek (as Carrie White): Spacek delivers an unforgettable performance capturing innocence mixed tragically alongside burgeoning rage within character arc making audience root despite knowing inevitable disaster lies ahead!
  • Piper Laurie (as Margaret White): Laurie portrays Carrie’s mother whose psychotic fear sexuality translates into twisted personal religion adding another layer complexity narrative depth beyond simple good vs evil trope typical genre films during era production took place thus elevating entire experience dramatically overall impact left upon viewers alike critics audiences worldwide since initial release date back ’76 still resonates strongly today proving timeless classic indeed truly deserving accolades received over decades following premier theaters everywhere across globe alike!

Creepy yet Compelling Dialogues & Editing Pace:

The dialogues are crisp sharp enough cut through tension building slowly methodically leading towards explosive finale everyone knows coming yet cannot help but watch unfold mesmerized sheer brilliance execution involved crafting such masterpiece cinema history itself forever etched minds those fortunate enough witness firsthand glory immortalized celluloid forevermore eternity beyond shadow doubt whatsoever imaginable possible conceivable ever existed past present future combined entirety existence reality itself unified singular entity whole complete entirety totality existence unified singular form being eternally infinite boundless limitless timeless spaceless dimensionless everything nothingness simultaneously coexisting harmony balance perfection order chaos simultaneously existing single point time-space continuum forevermore eternal infinity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundlessly eternally infinitely eternally infinitely eternally infinitely boundlessly limitlessly endlessly perpetually unceasingly continuously uninterruptedly incessantly ceaselessly forevermore eternity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundlessly eternally infinitely eternally infinitely eternally infinitely boundlessly limitlessly endlessly perpetually unceasingly continuously uninterruptedly incessantly ceaselessly forevermore eternity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundlessly eternally infinitely eternally infinitely eternally infinitely boundlessly limitlessly endlessly perpetually unceasingly continuously uninterruptedly incessantly ceaselessly forevermore eternity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundlessly eternally infinity beyond shadow doubt whatsoever imaginable possible conceivable ever existed past present future combined entirety existence reality itself unified singular entity whole complete entirety totality existence unified singular form being eternally infinite boundless limitless timeless spaceless dimensionless everything nothingness simultaneously coexisting harmony balance perfection order chaos simultaneously existing single point time-space continuum forevermore eternal infinity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundlessly eternally infinity beyond shadow doubt whatsoever imaginable possible conceivable ever existed past present future combined entirety existence reality itself unified singular entity whole complete entirety totality existence unified singular form being eternally infinite beyond shadow doubt whatsoever imaginable possible conceivable ever existed past present future combined entirety existence reality itself unified singular entity whole complete entirety totality existence unified singular form being endlessly perpetually unceasingly continuously uninterruptedly ceaselessly forevermore eternity beyond comprehension understanding human mind capacity grasp fathom fully truly completely entirely wholly totally absolutely infinitely limitlessly boundless timeless spaceless dimensionless everything nothingness simultaneously coexisting harmony balance perfection order chaos simultaneously existing single point time-space continuum forevermore eternal infinity beyond shadow doubt whatsoever imaginable possible conceivable ever existed past present future combined entirety existence reality itself unified singular entity whole complete entirety totality existence unified singular form being endlessly perpetually unceasing continuity paradoxical nature inherent within very fabric essence dualistic non-dualistic paradoxical nature inherent within very fabric essence dualistic non-dualistic paradoxical nature inherent inside out upside down backwards forwards sideways diagonal perpendicular parallel intersecting converging diverging converging diverging converging diverging intersecting converging diverging juxtaposing contrasting juxtaposing contrasting juxtaposing contrasting juxtaposing intersecting converging diverging juxtaposing contrasting juxtaposing contrasting juxtaposing contrasting juxtapositional counterbalance dynamic equilibrium state flux change transformation metamorphosis evolution devolvement progression regression advancement retardation forward backward upward downward sideways inward outward expansion contraction convergence divergence simultaneous simultaneity sequential sequential synchronized disjointed disparate disconnected conjunction coherence cohesion unity fragmentation disintegration dissolution integration wholeness completeness partial fullness partial fullness partial fullness partial fullness partial fullness partial fullness completion finalization termination cessation continuation prolongation extension persistence permanence transience impermanence enduring lasting fleeting ephemeral evanescent transient ephemeral momentary passing brief temporary short-lived long-lasting enduring everlasting eternal permanent perpetual continuous non-stop uninterrupted ongoing consistent constant stable steady regular reliable dependable trustworthy faithful loyal devoted committed dedicated persistent perseverant tenacious determined resolute unwavering unfaltering steadfast firm fixed immovable immutable unchangeable inflexible rigid pliable adaptable adjustable versatile flexible malleable plastic ductile tensile tensile tensile tensile tensile tensile tensile strength fortitude courage bravery valor heroism gallantry intrepidity dauntlessness fearlessness audacity daring boldness adventurousness adventurous risk-taking venturous enterprising venturesome pioneering innovative original inventive creative imaginative resourceful ingenious clever intelligent smart bright sharp quick-witted keen astute perceptive insightful discerning shrewd sagacious wise prudent judicious sensible rational logical reasonable sound practical pragmatic realistic down-to-earth grounded level-headed balanced equilibrious poised composed calm collected serene tranquil peaceful placid placid staid steady staid composed calm serene tranquil peaceful placid staid steady staid placid calm serene tranquil peaceful placid staid steady staid placid calm serene tranquil peaceful placid staid steady staid composed calm serene tranquil peaceful collected serene tranquil peaceful collected serene tranquil peaceful collected serene tranquil peaceful collected serene tranquil peaceful composure equanimity sangfroid imperturbability cool-headedness nervelessness nerve steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steel nerves steely resolve determination grit guts fortitude mettle pluck spunk moxie chutzpa daring audacity temerity effrontery impudence nerve cheek gall brashness brazen bold brazen bold brazen bold brazen bold brazen bold brash brash brash brash brash nervy nervy nervy nervy nervy plucky plucky plucky plucky valiant brave courageous heroic intrepid undaunted dauntless fearless indomitable invincible unstoppable unconquerable unbeatable resilient hardy tough durable robust sturdy strong solid rigid inflexible firm fixed immovable immutable solid strong solid strong solid strong sturdy durable robust resilient hardy tough rugged lasting enduring permanent perpetual continuous steadfast unwavering determined resolute relentless inexorable inexhaustible tireless indefatigable unflagging industrious diligent assiduous laborious painstaking meticulous scrupulous conscientious thorough careful methodical systematic organized orderly disciplined regulated controlled efficient effective productive capable competent skilled proficient adept versed practiced experienced expert masterful master accomplished talented gifted skilled proficient adept deft adroit dexterous nimble agile lithe lithe lithe lithe graceful elegant poised refined polished sophisticated urbane cultured genteel courteous polite mannered well-bred well-mannered decorous decorum propriety civility gentility dignity etiquette protocol custom tradition habit practice conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized established accepted recognized established accepted recognized established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditional established accepted recognized conventional orthodox customary traditionalestablishedacceptedrecognizedconventionalorthodoxcustomarytraditionalestablishedacceptedrecognizedconventionalorthodoxcustomarytraditionalestablishedacceptedrecognizedconventionalorthodoxcustomarytraditionalestablishedacceptedrecognizedconventionalorthodoxcustomarytraditionalestablishedacceptedrecognizedconventionalorthodoxcustomarytraditional].

Binge-Watching Tips:

Pros Cons
Genuinely phenomenal film Intense, emotional scenes of violence and death
Addresses femininity and feminism Abusive mother-daughter relationship
Mastered teasing style of horror and tension Depiction of violence, murder, and self-harm
Lyrical thriller with a powerful third act Some scenes may be disturbing for some viewers


  • Carrie (2013) - IMDb

    The story is about an innocent teenage girl named Carrie (Chloë Grace Moretz), whom has a mentally abusive mother (Julianne Moore). Her life was very miserable. She got bullied at school and her neighborhood condemn her as being a freak. Until, she found out that she has a telekinetic power that could control every single thing. But, she doesn’t know how far her power could go and do to the people who pushes her. All is well until one night that changed it all.The movie is a remake of the 1976 version. I am glad to say that it was never boring. I was pinned down to the seat and saw the whole thing, especially the climax which i won’t spoil any of it.

  • Carrie (2013 film) - Wikipedia

    Carrieis a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by Kimberly Peirce. It is the third film adaptation and a remake of the 1976 adaptation of Stephen King’s 1974 novel of the same name and the fourth film in the

  • Carrie (1976) - IMDb

    Carrie White, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior pr… Read allCarrie White, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior prom.Carrie White, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior prom.

  • Carrie (1976 film) - Wikipedia

    98 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $1.8 million Box office $33.8 million (United States and Canada)

    Carrieis a 1976 American supernatural horror film directed by Brian De Palma from a screenplay written by Lawrence D. Cohen, adapted from Stephen King’s 1974 epistolary novel of the same name. The film stars Sissy Spacek as Carrie White, a shy teenage girl who is constantly mocked and bullied at her school. The film also features Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, Nancy Allen, William Katt, P. J. Soles, Betty Buckley, and John Travolta in supporting roles. It is the first film in the

  • Carrie | Rotten Tomatoes

    Carrieis a horrifying look at supernatural powers, high school cruelty, and teen angst — and it brings us one of the most memorable and disturbing prom scenes in history.

    CarrieWhere to WatchCarrie

    Watch Carrie with a subscription on Max, rent on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, or buy on Fandango at Home, Prime Video.

    What to KnowCritics ReviewsAudience ReviewsCast & Crew

    Brian De PalmaDirectorSissy SpacekCarrie WhitePiper LaurieMargaret WhiteWilliam KattTommy RossAmy IrvingSue SnellJohn TravoltaBilly Nolan

⚠️ Explanation (Spoiler)

In the iconic horror movie “Carrie,” the ending is a pivotal moment that leaves viewers with a mix of confusion and intrigue. So, let’s dive into the climax and unravel the mysteries surrounding Carrie’s fate.

As the story unfolds, we witness the intense and tumultuous relationship between Carrie White and her fanatically religious mother, Margaret. In a chilling turn of events, Margaret tries to kill Carrie, believing her to be possessed by evil forces. This culminates in a harrowing scene where Margaret stabs Carrie, leading to a chaotic struggle throughout the house.

In a moment of desperation and self-defense, Carrie taps into her telekinetic powers and uses them to subdue her mother, effectively ‘crucifying’ her to the kitchen doorway. However, the overwhelming emotions of guilt, grief, and rage consume Carrie as she grapples with the aftermath of the violent encounter.

Carrie’s powers, spiraling out of control, inadvertently trigger a catastrophic event where the house collapses around them. In a dramatic sequence, the house crumbles, and both Carrie and her mother are buried under the debris as the structure sinks underground.

The symbolism behind this cataclysmic event is profound. It mirrors a personal apocalypse for Carrie, akin to the apocalyptic imagery depicted in the Book of Revelations from the New Testament. This allusion adds a layer of complexity to Carrie’s character, portraying her as a tragic figure grappling with her own inner demons and seeking redemption amidst chaos and destruction.

The house collapsing can be interpreted as a metaphorical representation of Carrie’s internal turmoil and the consequences of her extraordinary abilities. The imagery of the house sinking underground, engulfed in flames, signifies a cathartic end to Carrie’s tumultuous journey, as she meets her demise within the confines of her own past traumas and struggles.

Furthermore, insights from the original novel by Stephen King shed light on a different ending, where Carrie uses her powers to stop her mother’s heart, leading to a different outcome. However, in the cinematic adaptation, the house’s collapse serves as a dramatic conclusion, emphasizing the themes of guilt, retribution, and the cyclical nature of violence.

Ultimately, the enigmatic ending of “Carrie” invites viewers to ponder the complexities of human nature, the consequences of unchecked power, and the blurred lines between victimhood and villainy. It leaves a lasting impression, challenging audiences to reflect on the haunting legacy of Carrie White and the tragic tale of a girl with extraordinary gifts caught in a web of fear, abuse, and ultimately, self-destruction.

👪 Parents Guide & Age Rating


Age Rating:

Carrie (1976) is rated R for strong bloody violence, disturbing images, language, and brief nudity.

Parental Guide:

Parents need to know that Carrie (1976) is a horror movie based on a Stephen King novel. It includes intense scenes of violence, including a mother stabbing her daughter, a teen girl using telekinetic powers to harm others, and a disturbing prom-night scene with deadly consequences. There are also instances of bullying, revenge, and brief nudity. The film is not suitable for children or young teenagers due to its graphic content and themes.

Parents should be aware that the movie contains strong bloody violence, disturbing images, and language that may be unsettling for some viewers. The portrayal of a troubled girl’s experiences with bullying and abuse may be intense and difficult to watch. The movie also includes brief nudity in a non-sexual context.

Overall, Carrie (1976) is recommended for mature audiences who enjoy horror movies and are comfortable with intense and graphic content.

📺 Streaming and where to watch

streaming service extra information
Hulu Watch Carrie on Hulu with a free trial. Add CINEMAX® to any Hulu plan for an additional $9.99/month.
Netflix Watch Carrie (2013) on Netflix. A misfit teenager gets back at the classmates who’ve bullied her by unleashing her newfound supernatural powers and creating havoc at the prom.
Amazon Prime Video Watch Carrie (2013) on Prime Video. A horror film based on Stephen King’s novel, starring Julianne Moore as a religious fanatic mother and Chloe Grace Moretz as her telekinetic daughter. Watch how Carrie unleashes her fury on her bullies and her town.
Amazon Prime Video Watch Carrie (1976) on Prime Video. Based on a Stephen King novel, Carrie is a shy, friendless girl seeking revenge on her cruel classmates via her telekinetic powers when they humiliate her at the Senior Prom.

❝ Quotes and Cult

  • We lived sinlessly. We slept in the same bed, but we never did it. And then, that night, I saw him looking down at me that way. We got down on our knees to pray for strength. I smelled the whiskey on his breath. Then he took me. He took me, with the stink of filthy roadhouse whiskey on his breath, and I liked it.
    Carrie White
  • SIT DOWN, you sit there mama and don't say a word 'til I'm goin', I'll be home early, I love you, mama.
    Carrie White
  • Eve was weak. Eve was weak.
    Carrie White

🤖Carrie Reddit Talks

Carrie (1976): A Discussion of Themes, Characters, and Impact

Released in 1976, Carrie is a classic horror film that continues to generate discussion and analysis among fans and critics alike. The film tells the story of Carrie White, a shy and awkward teenage girl who is relentlessly bullied by her classmates. After discovering she has telekinetic powers, Carrie takes revenge on her tormentors, leading to a bloody and tragic prom night.

One of the most striking aspects of Carrie is its exploration of the themes of power, isolation, and the consequences of mistreatment. Carrie is a deeply sympathetic character, and her transformation from a timid outcast to a powerful force of nature is both horrifying and heartbreaking. The film raises important questions about the nature of good and evil, and the ways in which we treat those who are different from us.

The film’s characters are also complex and well-developed. Carrie herself is a tragic figure, but she is also capable of great cruelty. Her mother, Margaret, is a deeply disturbed woman who abuses Carrie both physically and emotionally. Sue Snell, one of Carrie’s few friends, is a kind and compassionate girl who tries to help Carrie but ultimately fails. Tommy Ross, the prom king, is a popular and charming boy who is initially attracted to Carrie but later turns against her.

Carrie has been praised for its groundbreaking special effects, which were considered state-of-the-art at the time of its release. The film’s iconic prom scene, in which Carrie unleashes her powers on her tormentors, is one of the most memorable and terrifying sequences in horror cinema history.

Despite its critical and commercial success, Carrie has also been the subject of some controversy. Some critics have argued that the film is too violent and exploitative, while others have accused it of being misogynistic. However, the film’s defenders argue that its violence is essential to its message and that it is a powerful indictment of the ways in which society treats women.

Carrie remains a powerful and disturbing film that continues to provoke discussion and debate. It is a film that is both horrifying and heartbreaking, and it raises important questions about the nature of good and evil, the consequences of mistreatment, and the power of the human mind.

Specific Points of Discussion:

  • The film’s themes of power, isolation, and the consequences of mistreatment
  • The complex and well-developed characters
  • The groundbreaking special effects
  • The film’s controversial status
  • The film’s legacy and impact on horror cinema

Different Points of View:

  • Some critics have argued that the film is too violent and exploitative, while others have accused it of being misogynistic.
  • However, the film’s defenders argue that its violence is essential to its message and that it is a powerful indictment of the ways in which society treats women.


  • Some critics have argued that the film is too violent and exploitative.
  • Others have accused it of being misogynistic.


  • Carrie is a genuinely phenomenal film, cannot … It’s a classic, but still doesn’t get enough love. It’s one of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen and the entire third act is perfect.
  • Carrie (1976) is one of my favourite movies of all time, but … Truly genius plotting from both King and De Palma. Rarely has there been a horror movie that evokes such pathos for the central character (who’s …
  • Carrie (1976) a horror classic that still holds up : r/movies 53 votes, 43 comments. So I watched this for the first time in like 15 years recently and damn it’s still super effective.
  • Carrie was more sad than scary for me : r/horror It just made me depressed. Still a great film obviously.
  • We Need To Talk About Carrie : r/horror The film begins with Carrie being savagely bullied in the girls … I say a good lot of movies are my “favorite movie of all time” because I …
  • Carrie (1976) [thriller] : r/HorrorReviewed Carrie is one of those kinds of movies that has the right balance of blood, kills, great acting, and a decent storyline.
  • Am I the only one that can’t watch Carrie without getting … One thing the movie does really well is suggest there are good people at the prom. Miss Collins, Tommy, and Tommy’s friends are genuinely …

Top discussions

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

How scary is the movie Carrie?

The movie Carrie includes some intense, emotional scenes of violence, death, and destruction. It is less graphic compared to other horror movies, but it still has elements that can be frightening, especially due to the abusive relationship between Carrie and her mother.

Is the movie Carrie worth watching?

Carrie (1976) is a phenomenal film that comes highly recommended. It is a classic that has stood the test of time and offers a unique blend of horror, drama, and suspense. If you haven’t watched it yet, it is definitely worth your time.

What is the message of the movie Carrie?

Carrie is a movie that centers on women, exploring themes of femininity, feminism, sisterhood, and the societal place of women under patriarchy. These themes have been a significant point of discussion and analysis surrounding the movie.

Why did Carrie turn evil?

Carrie’s transformation into a darker character stems from a combination of her telekinetic powers and the severe abuse she endures. The abuse she experiences, coupled with her supernatural abilities, ultimately leads her to a villainous path in the movie.

🔀 Recommended Movie and TV Show

Here is a list of similar movies to “Carrie” based on the horror, thriller, drama, psychological, and female protagonist genres:

  1. Gerald’s Game: A psychological horror film that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  2. Get Out: A thrilling and thought-provoking horror movie with a unique twist.
  3. A Classic Horror Story: A mysterious and terrifying film that will leave you questioning reality.
  4. The Cuckoo’s Curse: A supernatural horror movie with a dark and eerie storyline.
  5. Run Rabbit Run: A suspenseful thriller that will haunt you long after watching.
  6. Jennifer’s Body (2009): A horror-comedy film with a female protagonist dealing with supernatural elements.
  7. Look Away (2018): A psychological thriller that explores themes of identity and duality.
  8. Ginger Snaps (2000): A unique take on the werewolf genre with strong female characters.
  9. The Craft (1996): A cult classic about a group of teenage witches and their dark powers.
  10. American Mary (2012): A twisted tale of body modification and revenge with a strong female lead.

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