The Movie Quik adventure begins with a team of three members (Alain, Aaron, and Cynthia) who aim to collect and organize movies and TV shows into a structured format similar to Wikipedia pages. When you visit a movie or TV show wiki on our site, you quickly get the essential concepts: reviews, synopses, explanations, quotes, actors, and Reddit trends. This way, you don’t have to read 30-minute posts to grasp the key points. We faced this problem and sought to solve it by creating the Movie Quik database.
The Movie Quik database is fan-fueled; everyone can contribute by adding, correcting, or removing parts of every wiki page. We do have a moderation policy, so please ensure you provide evidence or references when trying to edit a page on Movie Quik.
That being said, the movie and TV landscape is quite vast, and even with our research, AI assistance, and fan contributions, there’s still much to add. If you like our project, feel free to donate to support it.
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Quik Newsletter is our weekly newsletter that provides exclusive updates on upcoming releases in the entertainment world, from movies to TV shows and games. We’ve got you covered.
Movie Quik Updates (Blog)
Movie Quik Updates was created by a passionate group of Movie and TV fans. We have offices in the United States, as well as members located throughout the globe. Our mission is to establish a community of Movie, TV, Comics, Sports and Celebrity fanatics who can share the best in entertainment with a wider audience. This way, when you have a few spare moments of free time, you can rely on for something entertaining to watch.
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