Set in the bustling streets of Karachi, "7 Din Mohabbat In" is a delightful Pakistani romantic comedy film interwoven with elements of fantasy. Directed by…
In the 2016 American comedy-drama film "Chronically Metropolitan," directed by Xavier Manrique and written by Nicholas Schutt, viewers are taken on a journey with first-time…
In the critically acclaimed movie "Chasing Amy," directed and written by Kevin Smith, viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster exploring complex themes with a…
"A Cinderella Story" is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale, directed by Mark Rosman and written by Leigh Dunlap. The story revolves around…
In "Bring It On: Worldwide Showdown," the sixth installment of the popular Bring It On film series, directed by Robert Adetuyi and written by Alyson…
In "Coffee with D," director Vishal Mishra takes on the daring challenge of creating a satirical film centered around a renowned journalist's quest to interview…