Deadwind, a Finnish crime drama TV series, follows the story of detective Sofia Karppi, a recently widowed woman in her 30s with a young son…
In the thrilling political drama "Designated Survivor," Kiefer Sutherland takes center stage as Thomas Kirkman, an unassuming U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development who…
Based on the 1997 American drama "Donnie Brasco," the TV series "El Dandy" takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the dangerous world of a…
In the gripping South African television drama series "Diamond City," viewers are taken on a tumultuous journey alongside Zandile, the country's most renowned female public…
In the TV series "Broadchurch," a seemingly tranquil seaside town is thrust into turmoil when the lifeless body of an eleven-year-old boy, Danny Latimer, is…
In the crime drama television series "Cocaine Coast," viewers are transported to the captivating world of 1980s Galicia, Spain, where a young fisherman's life takes…