"Daughters of Destiny" is a heartwarming English-language original Netflix documentary series created by Oscar-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth. The show follows the lives of five girls…
Step behind the curtains and witness the thrilling and meticulous preparations leading up to some of the world's most significant live events in the captivating…
In the British TV series "Broken," viewers are introduced to the character of Christina Fitzsimmons, portrayed by Anna Friel, a mother of three who faces…
Dr. Lisa Sanders takes center stage in the captivating 2019 documentary television series "Diagnosis". The show delves into the world of rare illnesses as Dr.…
Set in Italy, "1994" is a gripping television series that delves into the political landscape of the country during the crucial period of the birth…
"Dirty Money" is a gripping and eye-opening Netflix original documentary series that delves deep into the dark world of corporate greed and corruption. Created by…