In the 2008 hit movie "Cloverfield," directed by Matt Reeves, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey through the chaotic streets of New York City…
In the 1988 American horror film "Child's Play," directed by Tom Holland and released by MGM/UA Communications Co., a chilling tale unfolds over 87 minutes,…
In "Dark Forces," Franco, portrayed by Tenoch Huerta, arrives in a mysterious town on his motorcycle determined to find his missing sister Sonia. Checked into…
In "Cam," a gripping psychological horror film directed by Daniel Goldhaber and written by Isa Mazzei, we are introduced to Alice Ackerman, a determined camgirl…
In the movie "Death Note," set in Seattle, Washington, high school senior Light Turner discovers a mysterious notebook called the Death Note. This leather-bound notebook…
In "Conjuring Spirit," directed by Van M. Pham and released on Aug 28, 2018, viewers are taken on a chilling journey into the supernatural world…