In the movie "Chernobyl Diaries," directed by Brad Parker and produced by Oren Peli and Brian Witten, a group of six young American adults embarks…
In the sequel to the iconic horror film Candyman (1992), the 2021 movie revisits the now-gentrified Chicago neighborhood where the terrifying legend originated. Anthony McCoy,…
"Darna Mana Hai" Directed by Prawaal Raman, "Darna Mana Hai" is a 2003 Indian Hindi-language anthology horror film that offers a unique and refreshing take…
In "Case 39," social worker Emily Jenkins, portrayed by Renée Zellweger, takes on the case of a young girl named Lilith Sullivan, played by Jodelle…
In the movie "Clinical," viewers are taken on a psychological rollercoaster as they follow Dr. Jane Mathis, a trauma psychiatrist, trying to piece her life…
"Dabbe: The Possession" is a 2013 Turkish horror film directed and written by Hasan Karacadağ, known for its intense exploration of demonic possessions and evil…