"Buddies" is a poignant drama film directed by Arthur J. Bressan Jr. and released in 1985. The movie explores the touching story of a New…
In the 2004 film "Crash," directed by Paul Haggis and featuring a star-studded ensemble cast, the bustling city of Los Angeles serves as the backdrop…
In the satirical film "Colkatay Columbus," the unexpected arrival of Christopher Columbus in modern-day Kolkata, India, sets the stage for a whimsical and thought-provoking story.…
In the sci-fi action thriller "Code 8," directed by Jeff Chan and released in 2019, a crime syndicate known as the Trust floods the streets…
Chip, a trailer-dwelling and sewage-pumping man, finds himself deeply infatuated with his girlfriend, Liza. When Liza suggests a plan to steal $68,000, Chip agrees to…
In "Camp X-Ray," directed by Peter Sattler, the audience is taken on a poignant journey through the unexpected bond that forms between a female guard,…