"Budhia Singh: Born to Run" is a gripping tale based on the extraordinary life of Budhia Singh, India's youngest marathon-running champion. The movie delves into…
In the Spanish thriller "Boi," directed and written by Jorge M. Fontana, viewers are taken on a suspenseful journey through the streets of Barcelona. The…
In the movie "Brahman Naman," directed by Qaushiq Mukherjee and written by Naman Ramachandran, we are taken back to 1980's Bangalore where Naman, Ronnie, and…
Set in a small New Jersey town on the fateful night of Orson Welles' 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast, "Brave New Jersey" unfolds…
Set against the stunning backdrop of Iceland, "Bokeh" directed by Geoffrey Orthwein and Andrew Sullivan is a thought-provoking sci-fi drama that challenges conventional storytelling and…
"Bottom of the World" is a 2017 drama film directed by Richard Sears and written by Brian Gottlieb. The movie stars Jena Malone, Douglas Smith,…