In the heart of Egypt, a tale of enchantment and resilience unfolds in the captivating movie "Boushkash." Directed by Ahmed Yousry and written by Ahmed…
In the action-packed sequel "Bon Cop Bad Cop 2," directed by Alain DesRochers and written by Patrick Huard, viewers are once again immersed in the…
"3 Türken & ein Baby" is a 2015 German comedy film directed by Sinan Akkuş, starring Eko Fresh, Kida Khodr Ramadan, and Kostja Ullmann. The…
The documentary "Born in Syria" delves into the harrowing journey of Syrian refugees, particularly focusing on the children who make up more than half of…
In the Canadian black comedy-thriller "Bon Cop, Bad Cop," viewers are taken on a thrilling ride as two polar opposite police officers, one from Ontario…
"Born to Be Free" is a gripping documentary that delves into the global trade of wild sea mammals through the eyes of three fearless free-diving…