Dark Chocolate is an Indian Bengali crime thriller film directed by Agnidev Chatterjee, inspired by a true event that unfolds a high-profile murder investigation. The…
In "Conjuring Spirit," directed by Van M. Pham and released on Aug 28, 2018, viewers are taken on a chilling journey into the supernatural world…
"Dil Hai Tumhaara" is a heartwarming tale directed by Kundan Shah that delves into the intricate relationships between family, love, and sacrifice. The story revolves…
In "Cold Feet" (2018), a German comedy film originally titled "Kalte Füße," viewers are taken on a hilarious journey when Denis, a petty criminal, breaks…
Set against the picturesque backdrop of a ski resort, "Christmas With A View" unfolds the story of Clara, the dedicated restaurant manager, who finds herself…
"Dhamaal" is a rib-tickling comedy film that follows the misadventures of four lazy, jobless, and broke friends - Roy, Adi, Manav, and Boman. After being…