In the action-packed thriller "6 Days," viewers are transported back to the harrowing events of April 1980 when armed gunmen stormed the Iranian Embassy in…
"Close Enemies" is a gripping Belgian-French crime drama film directed by David Oelhoffen that delves into the intertwined lives of childhood friends who end up…
"Dagh Ujala" is a poignant Indian drama film directed by Raj Amit Kumar, based on Faiz Ahmad Faiz's poem "Ye Dagh Dagh Ujala". Released in…
In the gritty and intense crime thriller "Company" directed by Ram Gopal Varma, viewers are taken on a riveting journey through the underworld of Mumbai.…
The 1996 film "Chaahat," directed by Mahesh Bhatt, is a captivating tale of love, sacrifice, and obsession set in the bustling city of Mumbai. The…
"Catwalk: Tales from the Cat Show Circuit" is a delightful documentary that takes viewers inside the competitive world of Canada's cat show circuit. The film…