Bordertown TV Show Synopsis: Genre: Crime drama, Nordic noir Created by: Miikko Oikkonen Directed by: Miikko Oikkonen, Jyri KĂ€hönen, Juuso SyrjĂ€, Marko MĂ€kilaakso, Jussi Hiltunen…
Set in the tumultuous backdrop of South America during the 19th century, "BolĂvar" TV Show delves deep into the life of the legendary Venezuelan General,…
In the Norwegian noir crime drama series "Borderliner," viewers are taken on a gripping journey through the dark and twisted world of police officer Nikolai.…
In the animated TV show "BNA: Brand New Animal," viewers are immersed in a captivating world where anthropomorphic animals, known as Beastmen, have emerged from…
In the Brazilian dystopian thriller TV show "3%", viewers are transported to an unspecified future where society is sharply divided between the impoverished "Inland" and…