"Dayveon" is a poignant 2017 American drama film, directed by Amman Abbasi and co-written by Steven Reneau. The movie stars Devin Blackmon, Dontrell Bright, Lachion…
In "Dark Forces," Franco, portrayed by Tenoch Huerta, arrives in a mysterious town on his motorcycle determined to find his missing sister Sonia. Checked into…
"Diana: 7 Days That Shook the World" is a poignant documentary that delves into the aftermath of Princess Diana's tragic death in 1997. The film…
In "The Contract," directed by Bruce Beresford, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey through the convergence of two very different worlds. The film stars…
In the crime thriller film "Class of '83," viewers are taken back to the year 1982 at a police training academy where the story unfolds.…
In the visually stunning and mystifying film "Children of the Sea," directed by Ayumu Watanabe, viewers are taken on a mesmerizing journey into the depths…