"5 Flights Up" is a heartwarming tale that delves into the lives of Alex and Ruth, a long-married couple portrayed by Morgan Freeman and Diane…
"A Family Affair" is a heartwarming romantic comedy directed by Richard LaGravenese and written by Carrie Solomon. The film follows the story of Zara, played…
Dear Dad is a poignant and heartwarming tale that delves into the complex relationship between a father and his son. The story follows Nitin, played…
In the action-packed thriller "6 Days," viewers are transported back to the harrowing events of April 1980 when armed gunmen stormed the Iranian Embassy in…
In "Chris Brown: Welcome to My Life," viewers are taken on a compelling and never-before-seen journey through the controversial life and career of the renowned…
"Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives" is a captivating documentary that delves into the illustrious career of American record executive Clive Davis. Directed by…