In the critically acclaimed movie "Chasing Amy," directed and written by Kevin Smith, viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster exploring complex themes with a…
"Calendar Girls" is a heartwarming tale that follows the women of the Rylstone Women's Institute in North Yorkshire, as they embark on an unconventional fundraising…
"David Batra: Elefanten i Rummet" is a stand-up comedy movie starring Swedish comedian David Batra. The film delves into Batra's personal life, particularly focusing on…
"De Palma" is a captivating 2015 American documentary film directed by Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow that delves into the illustrious career of the legendary…
"A Cinderella Story" is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale, directed by Mark Rosman and written by Leigh Dunlap. The story revolves around…
In "A Champion Heart," the story revolves around 15-year-old Mandy Renner, who is dealing with the loss of her mother and trying to adapt to…