In "CIA: Comrade in America," directed by Amal Neerad and written by Shibin Francis, the story follows Aji (played by Dulquer Salmaan), a young communist…
"A Fall from Grace" unfolds a gripping tale of betrayal, love, and revenge that captivates the audience from start to finish. The movie, released by…
Set in the picturesque Konkan region of Maharashtra, "Devrai" is a poignant Marathi film directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukthankar. Released in 2004, this…
In "Christmas Survival," also known as "Surviving Christmas with the Relatives," viewers are taken on a chaotic and heartwarming journey as two sisters, portrayed by…
"Bullitt County," directed and written by David McCracken, takes viewers on a thrilling journey set in the Kentucky mountains in 1977. The film follows four…
In the 2012 documentary film "Celluloid Man," directed by Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, the audience is taken on a captivating journey through the life and work…