In "5Gang: Another Kind of Christmas," viewers are taken on a heartwarming journey centered around friendship and family values, set against the backdrop of a…
In the thrilling movie "Cop Car," directed by Jon Watts and written by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, two young boys, Travis and Harrison, stumble…
Derren Brown's intense documentary, "The Push," delves into the chilling depths of human compliance and manipulation. The central premise revolves around an elaborate experiment where…
In the movie "Carriers," a deadly virus threatens to annihilate humanity, forcing four friends - Danny, Brian, Bobby, and Kate - to embark on a…
In the Filipino teen romantic comedy-drama film "Crazy Beautiful You," directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, we are introduced to the rebellious 19-year-old Jackie, portrayed by Kathryn…
In the movie "Brick," directed and written by Rian Johnson, the audience is taken on a gripping journey into the underworld of a high school…