In the sequel to the 2015 hit film, "Chocolate City: Vegas Strip" takes the audience on a wild and entertaining journey with the exotic dancers…
"Bulbul Can Sing" Directed, written, produced, and cinematographed by Rima Das, "Bulbul Can Sing" is a poignant coming-of-age drama that delves into the lives of…
In Stanley Kubrick's cult classic "A Clockwork Orange," the audience is introduced to Alex, a young English hoodlum who leads a gang of fellow delinquents.…
In the heartwarming Turkish comedy-drama film "Çınar AÄŸacı" (2011), directed by Handan Ä°pekçi, viewers are taken on a touching journey of family bonds and generational…
In the compelling documentary film "Counterpunch," directed by Jay Bulger, viewers are taken on a gripping journey into the world of boxing as three fighters,…
Chal Dhar Pakad is a captivating Marathi film directed by Aatmaram Dharne and produced by Neeta Laad. The movie stars a talented ensemble including Nirmiti…