"Chashme Baddoor" is a Hindi slapstick comedy film that first graced the silver screen in 1981, directed and written by the talented Sai Paranjpye. The…
In the 2018 French comedy film "Budapest," directed by Xavier Gens, two best friends with MBAs find themselves bored with their corporate jobs and decide…
In the movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," directed by Richard Brooks and based on Tennessee Williams' 1955 play, the audience is drawn into…
Chhota Bheem Ka Romani Adventure is a captivating animated film that follows the journey of King Indraverma, Chhota Bheem, and their friends as they embark…
"Circus of Books" is a poignant documentary directed by Rachel Mason that delves into the extraordinary story of an American family who found themselves at…
In the documentary film "Cuba and the Cameraman," viewers are taken on a poignant journey through the tumultuous history of Cuba, as seen through the…