In the satirical film "Colkatay Columbus," the unexpected arrival of Christopher Columbus in modern-day Kolkata, India, sets the stage for a whimsical and thought-provoking story.…
"Compulsion" is a gripping tale that delves into the dark depths of human nature, exploring the consequences of obsession, manipulation, and murder. The story follows…
Set in Cherbourg, France, amidst a backdrop of a nationwide economic crisis, "Desire" follows the tumultuous lives of several individuals who encounter Cecile, a 20-year-old…
Set in 12th-century Spain, "Destiny" is a captivating Egyptian-French historical drama film directed by Youssef Chahine. The plot revolves around the Caliph of Andalusia, portrayed…
"Bully" is a gripping and intense drama film directed by Larry Clark, based on the book "Bully" by Jim Schutze. The screenplay was written by…
Deewana Main Deewana, directed by K. C. Bokadia, is a 2013 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller comedy film that finally made its way to the screens…