In the action-comedy film "Chupan Chupai" released in 2017, directed by Mohsin Ali and distributed by Hum Films, viewers are introduced to a trio of…
In the science fiction short film "Carbon" released in 2017, viewers are transported to a futuristic Earth in the year 2067, where carbon is abundant…
In the 1992 Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy fantasy film "Chamatkar," directed by Rajiv Mehra, viewers are taken on a whimsical journey filled with laughter, love,…
"Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women" In Hubert Woroniecki's captivating documentary, "Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women," viewers are taken on a nostalgic journey through…
Chip, a trailer-dwelling and sewage-pumping man, finds himself deeply infatuated with his girlfriend, Liza. When Liza suggests a plan to steal $68,000, Chip agrees to…
"Brij Mohan Amar Rahe" is a dark comedy film released in 2018, directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and co-written by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and Kuldeep…