In the documentary film "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers," directed by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell and narrated by Oscar Nominee Mickey Rourke, the…
After her best friend Trisha's sudden death, Barbs Cordero, portrayed by the talented Martin Del Rosario, embarks on a journey of self-discovery in the 2019…
In the Lebanese film "Bosta," directed by Philippe Aractingi, viewers are taken on a nostalgic and vibrant journey with a group of young Lebanese artists…
In the Indian action film "Boss," directed by Anthony D'Souza, the story revolves around the Acharya family. Satyakant Acharya Shastri, a school teacher, has two…
"Breaking Free" is a heartwarming drama directed by David Mackay, following the story of troubled teen Rick Chilton, portrayed by Jeremy London. When Rick gets…
"Bombairiya" is a chaotic and tangled tale that follows the intertwining lives of a public relations agent, a troubled politician, and a fading celebrity in…