In the 1988 American horror film "Child's Play," directed by Tom Holland and released by MGM/UA Communications Co., a chilling tale unfolds…
In "The Contract," directed by Bruce Beresford, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey through the convergence of two very different worlds.…
In the heartwarming Punjabi drama "Darra," directed by Parveen Kumar and released on September 2, 2016, viewers are taken on a journey…
Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka takes viewers on an exhilarating journey with Bheem and his friends as they venture to China to…
In the movie "Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku" (Lights From The East: I Am Mollucan), viewers are taken on a poignant journey…
In "Disciples of the 36th Chamber," a 1985 Shaw Brothers Studio Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Lau Kar-leung, the story…