In the heartwarming Marathi film "Cycle" directed by Prakash Kunte, viewers are taken back to the post-Independence era where the protagonist, Keshav,…
In "Cop and a Half: New Recruit," viewers are taken on a thrilling ride alongside veteran detective Mark Simmons, played by Lou…
In a riveting twist of fate, "Christmas Crossfire" proves to be a successful reinterpretation of the well-known German classic "Wir können auch…
In the movie "Chappaquiddick," directed by John Curran and written by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan, viewers are taken back to the…
Set in the picturesque Konkan region of Maharashtra, "Devrai" is a poignant Marathi film directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukthankar. Released…
In the movie "Chameli," directed by Sudhir Mishra, we are taken on a poignant journey that unfolds on a stormy night in…