"Burn Out" directed by Yann Gozlan is a gripping action-thriller that takes viewers on a high-octane journey through the gritty criminal underworld…
In the TV show "Cold Case Files," created by Kurtis Productions, Ltd., and starring Bill Kurtis and Danny Glover, viewers are taken…
In the movie "Chernobyl Diaries," directed by Brad Parker and produced by Oren Peli and Brian Witten, a group of six young…
"Daddy Day Care" follows the story of two men, Charlie Hinton and Phil Ryerson, who find themselves laid off from their jobs…
"Cheers" is a beloved sitcom that takes viewers on a journey through the lives of the quirky regulars at the iconic Boston…
"Come and Find Me," a 2016 American drama film directed and written by Zack Whedon, delves into the mysterious disappearance of Claire,…