Set in the picturesque fictional town of Capeside, Massachusetts, Dawson's Creek is a beloved American teen drama television series that follows the…
Bridezilla Directed by: Andibachtiar Yusuf Written by: Lucky Kuswandi, Fai Tirtha Produced by: Christian Imanuell Starring: Jessica Mila, Rio Dewanto, Sheila Dara,…
"50 First Dates," directed by Peter Segal and written by George Wing, is a heartwarming romantic comedy that takes viewers on a…
"5 Flights Up" is a heartwarming tale that delves into the lives of Alex and Ruth, a long-married couple portrayed by Morgan…
In the action-packed thriller "6 Days," viewers are transported back to the harrowing events of April 1980 when armed gunmen stormed the…
In the classic thriller movie "Carrie," directed by Kimberly Peirce, the audience is introduced to Carrie White, a shy and friendless teenage…