In "Burning Cane," directed by the young and talented Phillip Youmans, we are immersed in the rural landscapes of Louisiana, where the…
"De Palma" is a captivating 2015 American documentary film directed by Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow that delves into the illustrious career…
"A Cinderella Story" is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale, directed by Mark Rosman and written by Leigh Dunlap. The…
"Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary" is a compelling 2017 American documentary film that delves into the life and work of the…
In the TV movie "Couples Counseling," released in 2020, viewers are immersed in the tumultuous world of Natalia, a couples therapist based…
Set in the gritty streets of Brooklyn, "Brooklyn's Finest" directed by Antoine Fuqua follows the intertwined stories of three NYPD officers -…