In the eerie and suspenseful thriller "Dark Skies" directed by Scott Stewart, the Barrett family, consisting of Lacy (Keri Russell), Daniel (Josh…
In the 2017 American-Bulgarian crime thriller "Bullet Head," directed and written by Paul Solet, viewers are taken on a gripping journey with…
In the heartwarming and quirky romantic comedy "Deliha," audiences are introduced to the lovably eccentric Zeliha, a young woman on a quest…
In the riveting documentary "Democrats," directed by Camilla Nielsson, viewers are taken on a tumultuous journey through the political landscape of Zimbabwe…
Get ready for an intense and eye-opening experience as the new season of "60 Days In" premieres on Thursday, May 30 at…
Set in the backdrop of 1950s New York, "Carol" is a poignant tale of love and resilience that unfolds between two women…