In the crime thriller film "Class of '83," viewers are taken back to the year 1982 at a police training academy where…
In the thrilling animated series "Code Lyoko," viewers are taken on an adventure with four junior-high boarding school students - Odd, Ulrich,…
In the TV show "Demon's Path," viewers are thrust into a whirlwind of chaos and mystery right from the start. The story…
In the visually stunning and mystifying film "Children of the Sea," directed by Ayumu Watanabe, viewers are taken on a mesmerizing journey…
In the early 1970s, a group of teenagers with disabilities found themselves at a transformative summer camp in the Catskills called Camp…
"Derry Girls" is a delightful and humorous TV show set in Derry, Northern Ireland, during the early 1990s. Created by Lisa McGee…