In the heartwarming Indonesian family film "Cemara's Family," viewers are taken on an emotional journey alongside Abah, Emak, Euis, and Cemara as…
The Indian film "Dil Se" takes viewers on a captivating journey through love, politics, and terrorism, all intertwined in a complex web…
In the 2020 Nigerian drama film "Citation," directed by Kunle Afolayan and written by Tunde Babalola, viewers are taken on a gripping…
In the classic thriller movie "Carrie," directed by Kimberly Peirce, the audience is introduced to Carrie White, a shy and friendless teenage…
"Captive" is an American documentary series that premiered on Netflix on December 9, 2016, offering viewers a deep dive into the world…
In the romantic comedy "Couple of Days," directed by Tolu Lordtanner and produced by Ayo Orunmuyi, three couples embark on a getaway…