In the uproarious black comedy "Death at a Funeral," chaos ensues as members of a dysfunctional family come together to bury a…
"Daughters of Destiny" is a heartwarming English-language original Netflix documentary series created by Oscar-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth. The show follows the lives…
In "Coffee & Kareem," directed by Michael Dowse and written by Shane Mack, the story revolves around a mischievous twelve-year-old boy named…
Dead Kids is a Filipino thriller film directed by Mikhail Red that delves into the lives of a group of high school…
In the documentary "Cultivating the Seas: History and Future of the Full-Cycle Cultured Kindai Tuna," viewers are taken on a captivating journey…
In the dramatic thriller "Deadly Scholars," Samantha Hodges, a dedicated high school journalist, finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and…