"Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is a unique and intimate TV show created, directed, and presented by the legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld.…
In the movie "Dharam Sankat Mein," directed by Fuwad Khan and based on the story by David Baddiel, a 55-year-old Hindu man…
In the romantic comedy-drama film "Can't Help Falling in Love," directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of…
Set in the backdrop of 1950s New York, "Carol" is a poignant tale of love and resilience that unfolds between two women…
In the heartwarming Filipino movie "Bwakaw" (2012), directed and written by Jun Lana, viewers are introduced to Rene, portrayed by the legendary…
In the TV movie "9-Feb," directed by Jim Donovan and starring Mike Dopud, Nia Vardalos, and Chanelle Harquail-Ivsak, viewers are taken on…