"Crime Diaries: The Candidate" is a gripping Spanish-language Mexican crime miniseries that delves into the real-life events surrounding the assassination of presidential…
In the heartwarming drama series "Cinta Si Wedding Planner," viewers are taken on a journey through the life of Zara, a talented…
"Burn Out" directed by Yann Gozlan is a gripping action-thriller that takes viewers on a high-octane journey through the gritty criminal underworld…
In the bustling and chaotic Funtoosh City, where trouble seems to be a daily affair with cases ranging from sandal thieves to…
"Brother's Shadow" is a compelling 2006 American drama film directed by Todd S. Yellin, featuring a stellar cast including Scott Cohen and…
"Chashme Baddoor" is a Hindi slapstick comedy film that first graced the silver screen in 1981, directed and written by the talented…