"Brian Regan: Nunchucks and Flamethrowers" is a delightful comedy stand-up special directed by Troy Miller and starring the hilarious Brian Regan. In…
In the heartwarming holiday film "Christmas with the Kranks," directed by Joe Roth and based on the novel "Skipping Christmas" by John…
In the gripping drama "6 Balloons," directed and written by Marja-Lewis Ryan, viewers are taken on an intense journey through the streets…
In the vibrant and captivating world of "Cable Girls," viewers are transported back to the 1920s Madrid, where the National Telephone Company…
The British television sitcom "Chewing Gum" is a captivating and humorous series created and written by Michaela Coel, based on her play…
"Dil Chahta Hai" is a heartwarming Bollywood film directed by Farhan Akhtar, released in 2001. The story revolves around the lives of…