In the animated film "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," viewers are taken on a whimsical journey following the life of a…
"Car Masters: Rust to Riches" is an American reality television series that follows the crew at Gotham Garage as they transform a…
In the bustling city of Blunderburg, where every gear and gadget seems to have a mind of its own, resides Chico Bon…
Within the confines of a stark interrogation room in London, the gripping anthology crime series "Criminal: UK" unfolds, where seasoned investigators meticulously…
In the thrilling 3-D film "Cyborg 009: Call of Justice," viewers are taken on a high-octane journey with the cyborgs as they…
In the world of Netflix's 'Bright,' where humans and mythical creatures co-exist, the story follows LAPD police officer Daryl Ward, played by…