"Dabbe: The Possession" is a 2013 Turkish horror film directed and written by Hasan Karacadağ, known for its intense exploration of demonic…
The "Chelsea" TV show, hosted by the renowned comedian Chelsea Handler, is a late-night talk show that aired from 2016 to 2017.…
"72 Dangerous Animals: Latin America" is an enthralling American-Australian nature documentary series that delves into the realm of Latin America's most lethal…
Dynamic comic DeRay Davis takes center stage in his uproarious stand-up special, "How to Act Black." With a fiery energy, Davis delves…
In the slow-burning thriller TV show "Dare Me," viewers are taken on a gripping journey into the dark and tumultuous world of…
The Netflix original comedy stand-up series "COMEDIANS of the world" is a global comedic extravaganza that showcases the talents of 47 comedians…