In the action-comedy film "Chupan Chupai" released in 2017, directed by Mohsin Ali and distributed by Hum Films, viewers are introduced to…
Set in the vibrant music scene of 1960s Madrid, "45 rpm" is a Spanish drama TV series that takes viewers on a…
In the 1992 Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy fantasy film "Chamatkar," directed by Rajiv Mehra, viewers are taken on a whimsical journey filled…
In the dark and fantastical world of the "Castlevania" animated series, viewers are thrust into a Medieval setting where horror and adventure…
In the compelling legal drama series "The Case," viewers are drawn into a gripping narrative that unfolds with twists and turns, centered…
"Brij Mohan Amar Rahe" is a dark comedy film released in 2018, directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and co-written by Nikhil Nagesh…