Set against the backdrop of a bustling Atlanta, the American drama limited series "Containment" grips viewers from the outset with its intense…
In the heartwarming and quirky romantic comedy "Deliha," audiences are introduced to the lovably eccentric Zeliha, a young woman on a quest…
In "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle," directed by McG and written by John August, Cormac Wibberley, and Marianne Wibberley, the Angels - Natalie,…
In "Die Another Day," directed by Lee Tamahori, Pierce Brosnan portrays James Bond in a thrilling espionage adventure. The story kicks off…
In "Dance Academy: The Comeback," the long-awaited sequel to the iconic Aussie kids' show, we follow the journey of Tara Webster (Xenia…
In the movie "Chappaquiddick," directed by John Curran and written by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan, viewers are taken back to the…