"Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story" is a captivating documentary that delves into the extraordinary life of the renowned Hollywood movie star and…
"Brampton's Own" is a heartfelt drama directed and written by Michael Doneger, who also co-produced the film alongside Mark DiCristofaro. The movie…
In the Indian action film "Boss," directed by Anthony D'Souza, the story revolves around the Acharya family. Satyakant Acharya Shastri, a school…
"Breaking Free" is a heartwarming drama directed by David Mackay, following the story of troubled teen Rick Chilton, portrayed by Jeremy London.…
"Bratz: The Movie" is a 2007 American musical comedy film based on the popular Bratz fashion doll line. Directed by Sean McNamara…
The film "Bobby Robson: More Than a Manager" is a heartfelt tribute to the late English football manager, Sir Bobby Robson. Directed…