Renowned television crime journalist Donal MacIntyre delves into the chilling world where the internet becomes a deadly weapon in the TV show…
Set in an Indian colony, "Chillar Party" directed by Vikas Bahl and Nitesh Tiwari, tells the heartwarming tale of a group of…
In the heartwarming and inspiring biographical film "Dangal," viewers are taken on a journey through the life of former wrestler Mahavir Singh…
DC's Legends of Tomorrow is a unique time travel superhero television series that has captivated audiences since its premiere on The CW…
In the animated series "Dinosaur King," based on the Sega card game, viewers are taken on an exhilarating journey alongside young protagonists…
The classic Bollywood comedy film "Chupke Chupke," directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee, takes the audience on a hilarious ride filled with mistaken identities,…