In the movie "Demonic," directed and written by Neill Blomkamp, the audience is taken on a chilling journey into the supernatural as…
After the chilling events of "Curse of Chucky," the seventh installment in the franchise, "Cult of Chucky," delves into a twisted tale…
In "Cop and a Half: New Recruit," viewers are taken on a thrilling ride alongside veteran detective Mark Simmons, played by Lou…
In the movie "Chappaquiddick," directed by John Curran and written by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan, viewers are taken back to the…
Set in a dystopian future where the United States has undergone a complete societal collapse, "Death Race: Beyond Anarchy" presents a grim…
Adam Lerner, portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is a young man who prides himself on taking good care of his health. However, his…