In the movie "Cops and Robbers," a high-stakes thriller unfolds as a strung-out hostage negotiator finds himself entangled in a dangerous game…
In the thrilling TV show "Dangerous Roads," viewers are taken on a gripping journey alongside British celebrities as they navigate some of…
Desolation is a chilling tale that unfolds in the serene yet ominous backdrop of a remote wilderness. The story follows a young…
William, a young man, has had several unsuccessful suicide attempts. Feeling defeated, he decides to outsource the task to Leslie, an aging…
In "The Contract," directed by Bruce Beresford, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey through the convergence of two very different worlds.…
"Dark Crimes" is a gripping crime drama film directed by Alexandros Avranas and written by Jeremy Brock, based on a compelling 2008…