In the TV series "Broadchurch," a seemingly tranquil seaside town is thrust into turmoil when the lifeless body of an eleven-year-old boy,…
In "Delirium," directed by Dennis Iliadis and written by Adam Alleca, the story revolves around Tom Walker, portrayed by Topher Grace, who…
In the heartwarming Marathi film "Cycle" directed by Prakash Kunte, viewers are taken back to the post-Independence era where the protagonist, Keshav,…
Set in a world of suspicion and deceit, "Detour" follows the story of Harper (Tye Sheridan), a troubled law student haunted by…
In the Irish crime film "Cardboard Gangsters," directed by Mark O'Connor and written by John Connors and Mark O'Connor, a group of…
Set against the backdrop of a bustling Atlanta, the American drama limited series "Containment" grips viewers from the outset with its intense…