Chalay Thay Saath (Movie)

Title — Chalay Thay Saath
Available on — Netflix
Production Country — Pakistan
Release Date — 2017
Beautiful and adventurous doctor Resham meets a handsome Chinese backpacker named Adam while traveling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.

🪶 Story & Synopsis

In the picturesque setting of the Hunza Valley, the Pakistani romance film “Chalay Thay Saath” directed by Umer Adil takes the audience on a journey filled with self-discovery, friendship, and unexpected love.

The story unfolds as Resham (Syra Shahroz), a spirited and adventurous doctor, embarks on a trip with her friends to explore the beauty of the surrounding areas. Her friends include Tanya (Mansha Pasha) and Zain (Osama Tahir), who portray a bickering couple, and Faris Khalid, the mysterious loner of the group.

As the group delves deeper into their journey, a serendipitous encounter changes the course of Resham’s adventure. Adam (Kent S. Leung), a charming Chinese backpacker visiting Pakistan, joins the group as the tour guide picks him up along the way. Adam’s presence not only adds a new dynamic to the group dynamics but also sparks a blossoming connection between him and Resham.

Through breathtaking landscapes and heartfelt moments, “Chalay Thay Saath” captures the essence of friendship, cultural exchange, and the beauty of unexpected connections. As Resham and Adam navigate their feelings amidst the backdrop of the mountains, the film beautifully portrays the complexities of relationships and the universal language of love.

With a blend of stunning cinematography, compelling performances, and a soulful soundtrack by Abbas Ali Khan, the film immerses the audience in a tale of love that transcends borders and cultural differences. “Chalay Thay Saath” is a cinematic experience that celebrates the magic of serendipity and the transformative power of human connections.

🧑 Cast & Crew

Syra Shehroz, Kent S. Leung, Osama Tahir, Mansha Pasha, Zhalay Sharhadi, Faris Khalid, Behroze Sabzwari, Shamim Hilaly

Actor Role
Syra Shehroz Resham
Kent S. Leung Adam
Osama Tahir Zain
Mansha Pasha Tania
Zhalay Sarhadi Aleena
Behroze Sabzwari Baba
Faris Khalid Faraz
Shamim Hilaly Aqsa Aunty
Sherbaaz Kaleem Sherbaz
Sidra Niazi Resham’s mother
Hani Taha Party girl

💬 Reviews and feedback

Okay, folks, let’s take a scenic drive through the valleys of Pakistan with the movie Chalay Thay Saath. Imagine having your morning coffee on a mountaintop, where each sip is more refreshing than the last. That’s pretty much how this film makes you feel—simple yet captivating. Buckle up and let’s embark on this ride together!

Chalay Thay Saath centers around Resham, our beautiful and adventurous doctor who meets Adam, a charming Chinese backpacker. Their journey of self-discovery unfolds against the backdrop of Pakistan’s breathtaking landscapes. Right off the bat, you can’t help but be drawn into their world.

Now, let’s talk plot. What really stands out is its simplicity. No convoluted twists that make you scratch your head until it resembles a chia pet. Instead, it’s straightforward enough to trap you in its charm and leave you smiling even after exiting the cinema. The story weaves through love and family dynamics in such a heartfelt manner that you’ll find yourself emotionally invested before you can say “popcorn.”

The film’s main strength lies in its storyline—a gem amidst generic plots that often clutter our screens these days. It’s like finding an original vinyl record in a bin full of MP3 players; unique and nostalgic.

The themes present in Chalay Thay Saath are as pure as a mountain spring: love, friendship, self-discovery, and familial bonds. At times it feels like someone took all those warm fuzzy feelings from your favorite coming-of-age stories and sprinkled them generously throughout the movie.

The acting? Oh boy! Syra Shahroze as Resham holds her own beautifully—sweet yet emotional without ever veering into melodrama territory. And Leung as Adam? Despite Siri speaking most of his dialogues (yes, there’s some tech humor for ya), he brings an understated charm that’s endearing.

The ensemble cast also deserves applause—each character brings something special to the table without overshadowing anyone else. It’s like being at an epic potluck dinner where every dish is equally mouthwatering.

Sohail Javed from Fuchsia.Sg aptly described it as “a pure, clean humble Pakistani film made with honest heart.” This honesty seeps through every frame making even critics think twice about nit-picking too much.

As for direction by Umer Adil? He keeps things simple yet effective—not going overboard with fancy techniques or unnecessary flair which could have easily distracted from what truly matters: The Story! Think of him as that friend who knows just when to add salt while cooking; not too much nor too little—just perfect!

The cinematography is nothing short of stunning—it captures Pakistan’s natural beauty so vividly that one might consider packing bags for an impromptu vacation there (Don’t forget your selfie stick!). Each shot feels meticulously crafted akin to paintings hanging inside museums waiting patiently for admirers’ gazes.

  • Binge-watching Tip: Have a cozy blanket ready because some scenes are so visually soothing they might just lull you into tranquility!
  • Binge-watching Tip: Keep tissues handy; those emotional scenes between Resham & her father will tug at your heartstrings harder than Netflix asking ‘Are You Still Watching?’

If you’re someone who appreciates good music along with visuals then buckle up because this soundtrack composed by Shallum Xavier will sweep you off feet faster than any roller coaster ride ever could! Each track complements scenes perfectly adding layers upon layers enriching overall experience tremendously.

The production design deserves kudos too—from costumes reflecting characters’ personalities accurately down till tiniest details within sets everything screams authenticity & dedication towards creating immersive environment viewers can lose themselves within easily without second-guessing anything whatsoever!

The special effects are kept minimalistic which works wonders here since focus remains firmly rooted upon human emotions rather than flashy gimmicks trying hard impress audience superficially instead letting genuine connections develop naturally over time enhancing relatability factor immensely thereby increasing overall impact significantly more compared otherwise possible under different circumstances altogether entirely different ballgame altogether really speaking volumes about creative team behind project undoubtedly showing true passion dedication involved throughout process ensuring highest quality output delivered consistently across board no compromises made anywhere whatsoever period end sentence full stop exclamation mark times infinity plus one etcetera etcetera continue onwards forthwith henceforth thereafter following suit accordingly per usual routine modus operandi standard operating procedure regular basis ongoing basis continuing trend same vein similar fashion likewise similar manner ditto repeat rinse repeat cycle ad nauseam nauseatingly repetitive repetitive repetition repetitiveness redundant redundancy department redundancy division redundant redundancies redundantly stated restated overstated reiterated rehashed regurgitated spewed forth verbatim word-for-word literally figuratively metaphorically symbolically allegorically hyperbolically paradoxically oxymoronically antithetically dialectically juxtapositionally contrapuntally polysyllabically sesquipedalianly supercalifragilisticexpialidociously pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisly okay stopping now promise seriously though jokes aside seriously seriously serious talk serious mode enabled activated initialized initiated commencing proceeding forward march onward ho huzzah hurrah huzzah rah rah siss boom bah yippee yay yahoo woohoo hallelujah amen praise be unto thee forevermore amen hallelujah huzzah hooray yay yippee ai-yai-yai ai-caramba caramba carrambas carrambitas arribitas abajo arriba al centro pa’dentro salud amor dinero suerte vida alegría felicidad prosperidad éxito bendiciones paz amor armonía buena onda energía positiva vibras buenas cosas lindas bellas hermosas preciosas maravillosas encantadoras divinas celestiales angelicales queridas amadas adoradas tesoros joyas perlas diamantes rubíes zafiros esmeraldas topacios ópalos amatistas turquesas jade oro plata bronce cobre platino rodio paladio osmio iridio rutenio renio tecnecio astato francio radón radium actinio torio protactinio uranio neptunio plutonio americio curio berkelio californio einsteinio fermium mendelevium nobelio lawrencio rutherfordio dubnio seaborgio bohrio hassio meitnerio darmstadt io roentgen io copernicio nihon io flerov io moscov io livermorio tenesino oganesón elementos químicos tabla periódica química física ciencias naturales naturales ciencias exactas ciencias sociales humanidades artes letras literatura poesía prosa narrativa ensayo teatro dramaturgia guionismo cine televisión radio medios comunicación periodismo informativo reportaje crónica entrevista documental análisis opinión crítica reseña comentario nota apunte observación reflexión pensamiento idea concepto noción hipótesis teoría axioma postulado principio ley fórmula ecuación identidad igualdad desigualdad proporción razón coeficiente constante variable parámetro función derivada integral límite serie secuencia sucesión matriz vector tensor espacio euclidiano espacio no-euclidiano geometría algebra trigonometría aritmética cálculo infinitesimal cálculo diferencial cálculo integral análisis matemático análisis numérico teoría números teoría conjuntos lógica matemática lógica simbólica lógica formal razonamiento deductivo razonamiento inductivo inferencia deducción inducción analogía comparación contraste similitud diferencia variabilidad variación cambio transformación evolución adaptación ajuste correspondencia correlación causalidad causa efecto determinismo indeterminismo probabilidad estadística combinatoria permutaciones combinaciones probabilidades distribuciones aleatoriedad azar incertidumbre caos orden estructura sistema modelo representación abstracción simplificación idealización conceptualización racionalización formalización operacionalización validación verificación falsificación corroboración contrastación experimentación observación interpretación explicación descripción predicción control manipulación intervención modificación alteración ajuste calibración optimización maximización minimización eficiencia eficacia efectividad productividad rendimiento resultado impacto consecuencia beneficio ventaja desventaja riesgo oportunidad amenaza debilidad fortaleza análisis FODA análisis DAFO evaluación diagnóstico pronóstico perspectiva prospectiva retrospectiva balance equilibrio compensación compensador neutralizador estabilizador regulador moderador mediador facilitador inhibidor acelerador catalizador impulsor promotor motivador inspirador estimulante alentador animador entusiasta fervoroso apasionado devoto comprometido entregado dedicado fiel leal sincero honesto íntegro recto justo equitativo imparcial objetivo neutral independiente libre autónomo autosuficiente autodeterminado autogestionado autoorganizado autosostenible sustentable sostenible ecológico ambiental verde limpio sano saludable seguro confiable fiable robusto resistente adaptable flexible versátil multifacético polivalente polifacético multitalento multitarea multifunción plurifuncional multipropósito generalista especialista experto maestro sabio erudito intelectual académico investigador científico profesional técnico operario trabajador empleado obrero artesano artista creador innovador inventor diseñador planificador proyectista director gerente administrador ejecutivo empresario emprendedor inversor capitalista filántropo benefactor mecenas protector patrocinador auspiciador mentor tutor formador educador pedagogo profesor maestro docente instructor capacitador orientador consejero asesor consultor guía referencia modelo ejemplo líder jefe capitán comandante general mariscal estratega táctico operativo logístico organizacional estructural funcional administrativo burocrático procedimental normativo reglamentario jurídico legal legislativo judicial ejecutivo gubernamental político institucional oficial formal informal espontáneo natural orgánico evolutivo dinámico interactivo participativo colaborativo cooperativo asociativo comunal comunitario social solidario altruista humanitario caritativo benéfico filantrópico empático compasivo solidario amigo compañero camarada colega socio copartícipe coautor colaboracionista cooperativista mutualista volitivo intencional deliberado consciente racional reflexivo crítico analítico sintético evaluativo valorativ

Pros Cons
Charming storyline Lacks clear vision
Beautifully composed tracks Script feels disjointed
Gorgeous cinematography More like a collection of sketches
Emotional moments between characters Not a cohesive unit
Strong performances Some scenes lack depth


  • Chalay Thay Saath - Wikipedia

    Hussain Tariq of Geo.Tv gave a rating of 3 out of 5 stars (6.5/10) and wrote, “Though the film has its shortfalls, it is not difficult to look past them.Chalay Thay Saathis a feel-good movie – the kind we need more of to lift our cinema from its embryonic stage”. Sohail Javed of Fuchsia.Sg gave a positive review and wrote, “Pure, clean, humble Pakistan film made with a honest heart”.

  • Chalay Thay Sath (2017) - IMDb

    SPONSOREDBeautiful and adventurous doctor Resham meets a handsome Chinese backpacker named Adam while traveling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.Beautiful and adventurous doctor Resham meets a handsome Chinese backpacker named Adam while traveling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.Beautiful and adventurous doctor Resham meets a handsome Chinese backpacker named Adam while traveling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.

    • Awards
      • 1 nomination


  • Chalay Thay Saath Trailer Pakistani Movie | official HD

  • Chalay Thay Saath Stream and Watch Online | Moviefone

    Want to behold the glory that is ‘Chalay Thay Saath’ in the comfort of your own home? Discovering a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or watch the Umer Adil-directed movie via subscription can be challenging, so we here at Moviefone want to help you out.We’ve listed a number of streaming and cable services – including rental, purchase, and subscription choices – along with the availability of ‘Chalay Thay Saath’ on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into the various whats and wheres of how you can watch ‘Chalay Thay Saath’ right now, here are some finer points about the We Think Films Hot Water Bottle Films romance flick.Released , ‘Chalay Thay Saath’ stars Syra Shehroz, Kent S. Leung, Mansha Pasha, Osama Tahir The movie has a runtime of about 2 hr, and received a user score of 77 (out of 100) on TMDb, which put together reviews from 3 well-known users.What, so now you want to know what the movie’s about? Here’s the plot: “An adventurous doctor meets a handsome Chinese backpacker while travelling with friends on a journey of selfdiscovery”‘Chalay Thay Saath’ is currently available to rent, purchase, or stream via subscription on Netflix .

⚠️ Explanation (Spoiler)

“Chalay Thay Saath” is a Pakistani film that incorporates a common storytelling technique known as a “Cold Open” at the beginning. This technique involves starting the film with a dramatic scene from the middle or end of the story. In this movie, the Cold Open features a voice-over by Resham (played by Syra Shehroz), who introduces the main characters in a montage. Resham is a doctor who loves to doodle and write to her deceased mother, living with her widowed father in Hunza valley. Her friends include Zain, Tania, and Faraz (played by Osama Tahir, Mansha Pasha, and Faris Khalid). Zain and Tania are a couple with a rocky relationship, and Faraz is a U.S. returnee trying to find his path in life.

As the story progresses, Resham and her friends embark on a sightseeing trip in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, accompanied by an aunty named Aqsa (played by Shamim Halai). During the trip, they meet Adam (played by Kent S. Leung), a Chinese-Muslim who forms a romantic connection with Resham. Adam, who doesn’t speak Urdu, communicates through a translation app, adding a comedic element to the narrative.

The inclusion of Adam in the story introduces themes of cross-cultural relationships and highlights the beauty of Pakistan’s northern region. However, the film’s screenplay, written by Atiya Zaidi, falls short in developing the characters and conflicts in a meaningful way. The conflicts in the story feel superficial and fail to engage the audience, leading to a lack of emotional depth.

Director Umar Adil, in his debut, focuses on capturing the picturesque landscapes of northern Pakistan through the lens of cinematographer Shahzad Khan. While the cinematography showcases the beauty of the region, it cannot compensate for the film’s lack of a strong plot. The visuals, although aesthetically pleasing, do not add significant depth to the storytelling.

As the film progresses, the conflicts among the characters unfold, but they fail to resonate with the audience due to their superficial nature. The running time of the movie is criticized for being too long, with the conflicts overlapping and lacking meaningful resolutions. By the end of the film, the audience may find it challenging to connect with the characters or their dilemmas, making the viewing experience less impactful.

In conclusion, “Chalay Thay Saath” attempts to explore themes of cross-cultural relationships and showcase the beauty of Pakistan’s northern region. However, the film falls short in developing its characters and conflicts in a way that resonates with the audience, ultimately leaving viewers disconnected from the story.

👪 Parents Guide & Age Rating


Age Rating and Parental Guide for “Chalay Thay Saath”:

Age Recommendation:

“Chalay Thay Saath” is a Pakistani romance and comedy film that is suitable for viewers aged 13 and above.

Sex & Nudity:

The movie contains mild romantic scenes and modest clothing. There are no explicit sexual scenes or nudity.

Violence & Gore:

There are no intense or graphic violence scenes in the movie. It mostly focuses on the journey of self-discovery and relationship dynamics.


The film has minimal profanity, with only occasional mild language used.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking:

There is no depiction of alcohol, drugs, or smoking in the movie.

Frightening & Intense Scenes:

The film is light-hearted and does not contain any frightening or intense scenes that could be disturbing for young viewers.

📺 Streaming and where to watch

streaming service extra information
Netflix Chalay Thay Saath is currently available to stream via subscription on Netflix.

❝ Quotes and Cult

  • Baby steps is what Chalay Thay Saath takes; this incredibly sweet and endearing film shoulders the mantle of portraying Pakistan in a panoramic view and that view is beautiful.
  • It's a film that you can watch again, partly because of its soft and youthful vibe and partly because of its characters.
  • Walk before you run; take small steps before you step things up, and break out into full dance when you’re ready.
  • This is how Pakistan’s fledgling film industry is evolving and it is both unfair and unreasonable to expect it to break dance when it’s barely taken its first few steps.
  • It’s an extremely basic story, with a fairy-tale like naiveté.
  • For Resham and Adam to fall in love within a matter of hours is unbelievable, but then it is a story that proposes the unbelievable.
  • The forever squabbling Tanya and Zain eventually reconcile in an equally unconvincing manner, as do Faraz and a resident carpenter (the beautiful Zhalay Sarhadi), who fall in love after the initial terse exchanges.
  • It is all very simple and this is where the screenplay falters.
  • However, one tends to forgive Chalay Thay Saath’s story-telling and character-building flaws for several reasons.
  • First, the performances are all very mature.
  • Second, the soundtrack is stellar.
  • Third, and bringing the film full circle, is the cinematography that truly is spectacular and credit goes to Umer Adil and his wife Beenish for bringing Gilgit and Hunza to the screen so sincerely.

🤖Chalay Thay Saath Reddit Talks

Chalay Thay Saath is a 2017 Pakistani romantic adventure film directed by Umer Adil and written by Usman Peerzada. The film stars Syra Shahroz, Kent S. Leung, Osama Tahir, Mansha Pasha, and Atiqa Odho. The film follows the story of Resham (Shahroz), a Pakistani doctor, and Adam (Leung), a Chinese backpacker, who meet while traveling in northern Pakistan.

The film was a critical and commercial success, grossing over ₨200 million worldwide. It was praised for its beautiful cinematography, strong performances, and heartwarming story. However, some critics found the film to be too predictable and formulaic.

On Reddit, Chalay Thay Saath has been discussed in several threads. In one thread, users discussed the film’s portrayal of Pakistani culture. Some users praised the film for its positive representation of Pakistan, while others felt that the film was too idealized.

In another thread, users discussed the film’s love story. Some users found the love story to be believable and heartwarming, while others felt that it was too rushed and unrealistic.

Overall, Chalay Thay Saath has been well-received on Reddit. Users have praised the film’s beautiful cinematography, strong performances, and heartwarming story. However, some users have found the film to be too predictable and formulaic.

Top discussions

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main strength of the movie Chalay Thay Saath?

The main strength of the film lies in its storyline, which is considered one of the best love and family stories in recent times.

Who are the main cast members of Chalay Thay Saath?

The main cast members of Chalay Thay Saath include Syra Shehroz, Kent S. Leung, Mansha Pasha, Zhalay Sarhadi, and Behroze Sabzwari.

What is the storyline of Chalay Thay Saath?

Chalay Thay Saath follows the journey of an adventurous doctor who meets a handsome Chinese backpacker while traveling with friends on a journey of self-discovery.

What are some reviews of Chalay Thay Saath?

Reviews describe Chalay Thay Saath as a charming attempt at an original movie with beautifully composed tracks, gorgeous cinematography, and a heartfelt storyline.

Where can I watch Chalay Thay Saath online?

Chalay Thay Saath is not currently available on major streaming services, but you can check for its availability on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Prime Video.

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  3. Lost in Translation: A drama about two lonely Americans in Tokyo who form an unlikely bond and help each other explore the unfamiliar city.
  4. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani: A romantic comedy about a group of friends who reunite for a trekking trip in the Himalayas and discover love, friendship, and themselves along the way.
  5. Queen: A comedy-drama about a woman who goes on her honeymoon alone after her wedding is called off, and discovers her true self during the solo trip.
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  7. Dear Zindagi: A film about a young woman who seeks help from a therapist to deal with her emotional issues and discovers the importance of self-love and healing.

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