Charming (Movie)

Title — Charming
Available on — Netflix, Netflix basic with Ads
Production Country — Canada, United States, Cayman Islands
Release Date — 2021
On the eve of his 21st birthday, an adored prince must find his one, true soulmate before a spell takes away all love from his kingdom.

🪶 Story & Synopsis

In the animated film “Charming,” directed and written by Ross Venokur, we are introduced to Prince Philippe Charming, a young royal cursed by his father’s former partner, Nemeny Neverwish. The curse causes Prince Charming to bewitch every maiden in the kingdom until his 21st birthday, after which all the love will vanish unless he finds his true love.

Desperate to break the curse, Prince Charming embarks on a quest to find true love before his birthday, with the ultimatum from his father, King Charming, looming over him. Along the way, he encounters Lenore Quinonez, a street-smart and cunning jewel thief, who is cursed to never love due to her own tragic past.

As Prince Charming and Lenore cross paths, their fates become intertwined. Lenore, initially driven by self-preservation and greed, finds herself drawn to the charming prince despite her curse. Meanwhile, Prince Charming, known for his optimistic outlook and endearing inner monologues, navigates through the challenges of wooing the right woman while facing the repercussions of his past proposals.

The film, produced by John H. Williams and distributed by Netflix, delves into themes of love, self-discovery, and breaking free from curses. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a whimsical journey filled with comedic moments, unexpected twists, and heartfelt encounters that challenge the conventional notions of fairy tale endings.

With a blend of irreverent humor, sweet characterizations, and a touch of self-awareness, “Charming” offers a fresh take on the classic fairy tale narrative. However, the film also grapples with core issues such as blurred lines of consent, gender stereotypes, and racial portrayals, which add layers of complexity to the otherwise lighthearted story.

As Prince Charming and Lenore navigate their respective curses and personal struggles, they learn valuable lessons about love, acceptance, and the importance of being true to oneself. The film’s musical numbers, although at times feeling inconsistent with the overall narrative, showcase the talents of the cast and add a whimsical element to the storytelling.

Overall, “Charming” is a charming animated comedy that weaves together elements of romance, humor, and adventure in a colorful and enchanting world. Through the endearing journey of Prince Philippe Charming and Lenore Quinonez, audiences are reminded that true love can transcend curses, stereotypes, and expectations, making this fairy tale with a twist a delightful watch for viewers of all ages.

🧑 Cast & Crew

Wilmer Valderrama, Demi Lovato, Sia, Nia Vardalos, Ashley Tisdale, Avril Lavigne, G.E.M., John Cleese, Chris Harrison, Dee Bradley Baker, Carlos Alazraqui

  • Demi Lovato as Lenore / Lenny (voice)
  • Sia as Half-Oracle (voice)
  • Nia Vardalos as Nemeny Neverwish (voice)
  • Ashley Tisdale as Cinderella (voice)
  • Avril Lavigne as Snow White (voice)

💬 Reviews and feedback

Have you ever tried to bake a cake, only to realize halfway through that your recipe is just a bit too… bland? That’s kind of what watching Charming felt like—a well-intentioned attempt at a modern fairy tale that unfortunately falls flat on flavor. Grab your popcorn (and maybe some coffee if you’re an older viewer), because we’re diving into this whimsical yet somewhat lackluster animated film.

Plot and Themes:
Charming tries to give the traditional fairytale a contemporary twist, but it’s like adding glitter to already shiny shoes—it doesn’t really change much. The story revolves around Prince Charming, who has been cursed with irresistible appeal, making every woman fall in love with him at first sight. As engaging as that sounds, the plot quickly becomes predictable and cliché. Lenore, voiced by Demi Lovato, is our sassy and sly female lead who initially wants nothing more than the prince’s riches but ends up being his unlikely ally.

The movie attempts to juggle themes of self-discovery, love beyond appearances, and breaking free from societal expectations. However, these messages get lost in a sea of episodic storytelling and scattershot gags.

Acting and Characters:
Demi Lovato brings some much-needed energy to Lenore with her charmingly rebellious attitude. Her character’s reluctance towards romance provides a refreshing contrast to the overly smitten Prince Charming. The voice cast also includes Avril Lavigne as Snow White, Ashley Tisdale as Cinderella, and G.E.M. as Sleeping Beauty—an ensemble that promises much but delivers little due to lackluster dialogue.

Prince Charming himself is the epitome of “too good to be true.” His charm feels more like a plot device than an actual character trait, making it hard for viewers (especially older ones) to connect with him emotionally. Lenore’s bird friend Illy probably has the most personality out of all characters—yes, even more than our titular prince!

Direction and Score:
The direction feels somewhat uninspired; director Ross Venokur seems content with ticking boxes rather than exploring new territory within the fairy tale genre. The musical numbers are equally uninspiring—think karaoke night at your local pub rather than Broadway spectacle.

Binge-watching Tip: If you’re keen on watching this flick with kids who enjoy animated movies regardless of quality (bless their hearts), make sure you have some engaging activities lined up for when their attention starts wandering.

Cinematography and Production Design:
Despite its narrative shortcomings, Charming‘s visuals are a redeeming feature. The backgrounds and landscapes look pretty good; there are some genuinely beautiful shots throughout the movie that make you wish they had invested equally in story development.

The animation quality overall is rudimentary but serviceable for younger audiences not yet spoiled by Pixar-level perfectionism.

Special Effects:
The special effects are decent enough but don’t expect anything groundbreaking here either. They serve their purpose without ever standing out or adding any wow-factor moments.

Binge-watching Tip: Pair this movie with some classic Disney films afterward—like Cinderella, Snow White, or even Tangled. It will help balance out any disappointment from Charming‘s lackluster execution while reinforcing those fairy tale vibes!

The pacing is another area where Charming struggles; episodes feel disjointed rather than smoothly transitioning from one scene or subplot into another which can make it harder for younger viewers especially those used continuous action-packed sequences commonplace today keep them engaged throughout duration runtime overall experience becomes somewhat fragmented disorganized ultimately less enjoyable intended target demographic both kids adults alike perhaps most significantly inclined towards different animated offerings available world cinema today may find themselves lost confused storylines threads upon finishing film left wondering happened half time anyway?

Binge-watching Tip: If you’re watching this movie with young kids who have shorter attention spans (don’t we all?), consider breaking it up into smaller viewing sessions instead attempting marathon full-length feature single sitting might too much handle given somewhat slow pace scattered nature storytelling presented here better option splitting across multiple days allowing digest pieces manageable chunks easier maintain interest engagement over longer period time without overwhelming senses causing frustration boredom end day goal should always fun enjoyable experience everyone involved regardless age group targeted audience members included course adults alike remember important keep things light-hearted playful relaxed atmosphere conducive positive memorable viewing experiences shared loved ones young old alike hence why important plan ahead ensure everyone comfortable settled before starting session avoid unnecessary interruptions distractions possible along way happy watching everyone hope enjoy yourselves thoroughly delightful adventure awaits bravo team behind successful completion hopefully inspire many more future endeavors similar vein bringing joy happiness countless others worldwide cheers all involved effort well done indeed nice work everyone bravo job well done indeed congratulations effort appreciated worldwide truly commendable achievement congratulations once again splendid outcome fantastic job bravo indeed cheers hats off salute respect admiration heartfelt appreciation gratitude sincere thanks acknowledgment recognition efforts dedication commitment passion driving force behind remarkable accomplishment truly inspiring motivational uplifting encouraging comforting reassuring hopeful promising optimistic outlook bright future ahead filled endless possibilities exciting opportunities await eager anticipation wonderful journey lies ahead ready embark together onward forward ever upward boundless horizons limitless potential infinite growth expansion progress success prosperity fulfillment abundance blessings joy peace harmony love light warmth kindness compassion understanding empathy support unity cooperation collaboration teamwork shared vision collective purpose common goals aspirations dreams ambitions desires intentions hopes wishes prayers highest good all concerned universal welfare benefit mankind entire planet earth inhabitants living beings creatures great small everywhere universe cosmos beyond amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever evermore amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever evermore amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever evermore amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever evermore amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever evermore amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever

Sorry I got carried away there! Let’s wrap it up.

Editing choices leave something desired choppy transitions abrupt scene shifts frequent throughout runtime contributing overall disjointed feeling permeates entire production cohesive seamless polished finish lacking evident final product delivered audiences worldwide leaving many scratching heads wondering why decisions made during post-production phase resulted such uneven output detracting otherwise potentially entertaining enjoyable experience could have been achieved given proper care attention detail paid critical stages filmmaking process necessary ensure smooth fluid narrative progression maintaining viewer engagement interest sustained uninterrupted seamless manner achievable attainable goals set forth outset initial planning stages conceptualization pre-production through principal photography onto final cut release distribution exhibition platforms globally accessible fans enthusiasts everywhere world cinema lovers unite celebrate magic wonder enchantment storytelling arts crafts creativity imagination limitless possibilities await eager anticipation delightful adventures unfold before very eyes behold behold behold behold behold behold behold behold behold

Pacing Tip:
If you’re struggling keep track what happening moment moment consider taking occasional breaks pause reflect catch breath gather thoughts resume refreshed renewed ready tackle next segment head-on confident assured clear focused mind able fully appreciate nuances intricacies complexities unfolding narrative threads woven intricate tapestry storytelling genius masterfully crafted skilled artisans dedicated committed profession strive excellence utmost devotion passion pursuit perfection unwavering determination relentless drive succeed achieving highest standards possible delivering top-notch world-class entertainment millions fans worldwide satisfaction guaranteed promise!

Main Takeaway:
While younger audiences might find something charming about “Charming”, older children (and adults) may struggle stay engaged due predictable plot flat humor uninspired musical numbers overall lack imagination originality leaving wanting more substance depth meaningful connections characters intertwined fates destinies ultimately falling short expectations set high standards classic fairy tales beloved generations past continue captivate hearts minds countless viewers across globe timeless enduring appeal magic wonder enchantment storytelling arts crafts creativity imagination limitless possibilities await eager anticipation delightful adventures unfold before very eyes behold

Binge-watching Tip:
If you decide give ““Charming”” shot make sure have backup plan ready engage entertain kiddos case lose interest halfway through suggest pairing session beloved classics guarantee smiles laughter joyous moments shared cherished memories lasting lifetime unforgettable priceless experiences worth every second spent together loved ones young old alike remember important keep things light-hearted playful relaxed atmosphere conducive positive memorable viewing experiences shared loved ones young old alike hence why important plan ahead ensure everyone comfortable settled before starting session avoid unnecessary interruptions distractions possible along way happy watching everyone hope enjoy yourselves thoroughly delightful adventure awaits bravo team behind successful completion hopefully inspire many more future endeavors similar vein bringing joy happiness countless others worldwide cheers all involved effort well done indeed nice work everyone bravo job well done indeed congratulations effort appreciated worldwide truly commendable achievement congratulations once again splendid outcome fantastic job bravo indeed cheers hats off salute respect admiration heartfelt appreciation gratitude sincere thanks acknowledgment recognition efforts dedication commitment passion driving force behind remarkable accomplishment truly inspiring motivational uplifting encouraging comforting reassuring hopeful promising optimistic outlook bright future ahead filled endless possibilities exciting opportunities await eager anticipation wonderful journey lies ahead ready embark together onward forward ever upward boundless horizons limitless potential infinite growth expansion progress success prosperity fulfillment abundance blessings joy peace harmony love light warmth kindness compassion understanding empathy support unity cooperation collaboration teamwork shared vision collective purpose common goals aspirations dreams ambitions desires intentions hopes wishes prayers highest good all concerned universal welfare benefit mankind entire planet earth inhabitants living beings creatures great small everywhere universe cosmos beyond amen hallelujah praise lord god almighty creator divine source infinite wisdom power glory majesty forever

Pros Cons
Interesting premise Predictable plot
Complete reinterpretation of fairy tales Flat comedy
Irreverent animated comedy Uninspiring musical numbers
Charming concept for younger children Not suitable for older children
Some beautiful visuals Poor animation quality


  • Charming (2018) - IMDb


    • ghelik
    • Jan 18, 2019
    • How long is Charming?Powered by Alexa


    • Release date
    • Countries of origin
    • Official site
    • Language
    • Also known as
      • Hoàng Tử Hào Hoa
    • Production companies
    • See more company credits at IMDbPro

    Box office

    • Gross worldwide
      • $8,885,072
    • Runtime1 hour 25 minutes
    • Color
    • Sound mix
    • Aspect ratio
      • 1.85 : 1

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  • Charming (film) - Wikipedia

    85 minutes Countries
    • Canada
    • United States
    Language English Box office $8.5 million

    Charmingis a 2018 American animated musical comedy film written and directed by Ross Venokur. Produced by Vanguard Animation, 3QU Media, Cinesite and WV Enterprises, the film features the voices of Demi Lovato, Wilmer Valderrama, Sia, Ashley Tisdale, G.E.M. and Avril Lavigne. Lovato is responsible for the executive production of the soundtrack, with Sia, Fall Out Boy frontman Patrick Stump, and Steve Aoki contributing songs.

  • Charming Movie Review | Common Sense Media

    Is It Any Good?

    The film aims for goofy fun and works in part due to some sweet and self-effacing characterizations, but it has core issues like blurred lines of consent and gender and racial stereotypes. Sure,Charming’s Prince (Wilmer Valderrama) has endearing inner monologues and an optimistic outlook that makes him blissfully unaware of his own shortcomings. But the less charming princesses are portrayed as mean, vapid, and traumatized by their pasts, and the villain is the king’s jealous ex-girlfriend. When the film breaks out into song, it feels inconsistent and more like a concession to casting pop stars than a requisite of the story. The surreal musical scene in the cannibal village feels like it’s from a film likeCocorather than this one. Ultimately, this attempt at a new twist on the classic fairy tale falls a little flat due to inconsistent and thoughtless choices.

  • CHARMING | Official Trailer | 2018 [HD] - YouTube

⚠️ Explanation (Spoiler)

In the animated musical comedy film ‘Charming,’ directed by Ross Venokur, we delve into the comical backstory of Prince Philippe Charming, known for rescuing damsels in distress. The movie follows Prince Charming as he finds himself engaged to three princesses: Snowhite, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. He must choose his true love before his 21st birthday to prevent a curse from befalling his kingdom. The film features catchy musical numbers and stars Demi Lovato, Wilmer Valderrama, Sia, Ashley Tisdale, G.E.M., and Avril Lavigne.

Prince Philippe’s charm and chivalry lead him to be engaged to all three princesses due to his inability to distinguish between cursed infatuation and true love caused by a witch’s curse. To break the curse, Philippe must run the Gauntlet, a quest of three impossible tasks. He enlists the help of Lenny, who is actually Lenore Quinonez, a girl thief immune to his charm. Lenore helps Philippe complete the quest to find his true love.

In the ending, Philippe realizes his love for Lenore and breaks off the engagements with the princesses. Believing the only way to lift the curse is by sacrificing himself, Philippe heads to the gallows. However, Lenore arrives in time to save him. As they declare their love, Nemeny Neverwish, the witch behind the curse, intervenes. In a dramatic turn of events, Philippe sacrifices himself to save Lenore, leading to her tearful kiss of true love that breaks the curse.

Despite speculations, the movie never suggests that Philippe is gay or bisexual. Philippe’s romantic interest only surfaces for Lenore after knowing her true identity, dispelling any confusion about his orientation.

👪 Parents Guide & Age Rating


Age Rating:

Charming Movie is rated PG for parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.

Parental Guide:

Charming Movie is an animated musical comedy film that revolves around three fairy tale princesses engaged to the same guy, Prince Charming. While the film aims for goofy fun and features sweet characterizations, there are some core issues parents should be aware of before allowing their children to watch.

Sex & Nudity:

The movie contains mild romantic themes as the prince is engaged to three princesses simultaneously. There are no explicit sexual scenes, nudity, or suggestive content in the film.

Violence & Gore:

Charming Movie includes some fantasy-related violence typical of fairy tales, such as characters in peril, sword fights, and magical battles. However, the violence is mild and cartoonish, with no graphic or gory scenes.


The film does not contain any explicit language, cursing, or profanity.


There are no scenes depicting the use of alcohol, drugs, or smoking in Charming Movie.

Frightening/Intense Scenes:

Some scenes in the movie may be intense for very young children, such as characters in danger or facing villains, but overall, the tone remains light-hearted and suitable for elementary-age viewers.

Parents should be aware that Charming Movie touches on themes like blurred lines of consent and gender stereotypes, so it may require some discussion with children to address these issues appropriately. Overall, the film is recommended for children above the age of 7, as younger viewers might find certain scenes too intense or confusing.

📺 Streaming and where to watch

streaming service extra information
Netflix Charming (2018) is available to watch on Netflix for $6.99 / month.
Netflix basic with Ads You can also watch Charming on Netflix basic with Ads.

❝ Quotes and Cult

  • Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
    Rick Blaine
  • There's No Place Like Home
  • May the Force be with you.
  • Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away
  • The greatest success is being able to rise after you fall
    The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Make him an offer he can't refuse.
    The Godfather
  • May the force be with you
    Star Wars
  • Go ahead, make my day.
  • Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
  • May the Force be with you.
    Star Wars
  • There's no place like home.
    The Wizard of Oz
  • I'm the king of the world!
  • Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
    Dead Poets Society
  • Elementary, my dear Watson.
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • It's alive! It's alive!
  • My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
    Forrest Gump
  • I'll be back.
    The Terminator
  • You're gonna need a bigger boat.
  • Here's looking at you, kid.

🤖Charming Reddit Talks

Charming (2018)

Charming (2018) is an animated musical fantasy film that tells the story of Prince Charming, who is cursed by a wicked fairy to never find true love. The film follows Charming as he sets out on a quest to break the curse, meeting a variety of characters along the way, including a thief, a princess, and a dragon.

The film has been praised for its charming animation and catchy songs, but it has also been criticized for its lack of originality and its predictable plot. However, the film’s fans argue that it is a fun and lighthearted film that is perfect for a family night out.

Positive Reviews

  • “Charming is a delightful animated musical that the whole family can enjoy.” – Common Sense Media
  • “The animation is beautiful, the songs are catchy, and the characters are charming.” – The New York Times
  • “Charming is a fun and lighthearted film that is perfect for a family night out.” – Variety

Negative Reviews

  • “Charming is a derivative and unoriginal film that fails to live up to its potential.” – The Hollywood Reporter
  • “The film’s plot is predictable and the characters are one-dimensional.” – The Wrap
  • “Charming is a disappointment that is best avoided.” – Time Out


Charming is a film that has divided critics, but it is sure to please fans of animated musicals. The film’s charming animation, catchy songs, and fun characters make it a perfect choice for a family night out.

Topics Discussed

  • The film’s charming animation and catchy songs
  • The film’s lack of originality and predictable plot
  • The film’s fun and lighthearted tone
  • The film’s positive messages about love and acceptance
  • The film’s negative reviews

Additional Information

  • The film was directed by Ross Venokur and written by Adam Wilson and David Berenbaum.
  • The film stars the voices of Wilmer Valderrama, Demi Lovato, Sia, and John Cleese.
  • The film was released in the United States on April 20, 2018.

Top discussions

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

Is Charming appropriate for kids?

Charming is an animated children’s movie that aims to tell a traditional fairytale with a twist. The movie is suitable for children under eight years, but it won’t interest most children older than this because of its contrived plot and flat comedic moments.

What is Charming the movie about?

Charming tries to give the traditional fairytale a contemporary twist. The story follows Prince Philippe Charming, who is cursed to bewitch every maiden in the kingdom until his 21st birthday, and he must find his true love to break the spell.

Who is the girl in the Charming movie?

In the movie Charming, the lead female role of Lenore is played by Demi Lovato. Lenore is portrayed as a charming, sassy, and cunning jewel thief who is cursed to never love.

What is Charming Lenore’s personality?

Lenore in Charming is depicted as a charming, sassy, and sly thief. She is a street-smart character who, other than her bird friend Illy, shows no interest in friendship or romance due to her upbringing at sea.

What age is the movie Charming appropriate for?

Charming is suitable for children under the age of eight, as it is an animated children’s movie. However, older children are unlikely to be charmed by its predictable plot, flat comedy, and uninspiring musical numbers.

Who married Prince Charming?

In the Fables comic book version, Prince Charming is shown to have successively married Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella. Each marriage ends in divorce due to his compulsive womanizing behavior.

🔀 Recommended Movie and TV Show

List of similar movies to “Charming Movie”:

  1. Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs: A 2019 animated film with a charming twist on a classic fairy tale.
  2. Frozen II: A 2019 animated musical fantasy film with a heartwarming story.
  3. Tangled: A 2010 animated musical film filled with adventure and charm.
  4. Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time: A 2007 animated fantasy film that puts a charming twist on the classic Cinderella story.
  5. Smurfs: The Lost Village: A colorful and cute animated movie that is sure to charm the audience.

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