Chicken Little (Movie)

Title — Chicken Little
Available on — Disney+, YouTube, AMC on Demand, Amazon Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Vudu, Microsoft Store, Spectrum On Demand
Production Country — United States
Release Date — 2005
No one believes Chicken Little when he tries to warn of an alien invasion – so it's up to him and his misfit friends to save the world!

🪶 Story & Synopsis

In the animated film “Chicken Little,” the audience is introduced to the protagonist, Chicken Little, voiced by Zach Braff, a young rooster who becomes the laughing stock of his town, Oakey Oaks, after causing a panic by mistakenly believing that the sky was falling. Despite his best efforts to prove himself, a year passes without any evidence to support his claim, until he stumbles upon a real piece of the sky.

With the help of his loyal friends, including Abby Mallard (Joan Cusack), Fish Out of Water (Dan Molina), and Runt of the Litter (Steve Zahn), Chicken Little embarks on a mission to save his town and potentially the world from an impending alien invasion. Determined to redeem himself and earn the respect of his fellow citizens, Chicken Little faces various challenges and obstacles along the way.

The storyline revolves around Chicken Little’s journey to restore his reputation and prove that he and his misfit friends are not just a group of outcasts but capable heroes. As they confront the alien threat, the town of Oakey Oaks must come together to overcome their differences and unite in the face of a common enemy.

Through humor, heartwarming moments, and valuable life lessons, “Chicken Little” delivers an entertaining and engaging tale of courage, friendship, and the importance of believing in oneself, no matter how small or insignificant others may perceive you to be.

🧑 Cast & Crew

Zach Braff, Joan Cusack, Patrick Stewart, Steve Zahn, Catherine O’Hara, Harry Shearer, Adam West, Don Knotts, Amy Sedaris, Garry Marshall, Patrick Warburton, Fred Willard, Wallace Shawn

Actor Role
Zach Braff Chicken Little (Cluck)
Joan Cusack Abigail “Abby” Mallard (Ugly Duckling)
Dan Molina Fish Out of Water
Steve Zahn Runt of the Litter
Garry Marshall Buck “Ace” Cluck
Amy Sedaris Foxy Loxy
Mark Walton Goosey Loosey
Don Knotts Turkey Lurkey
Sean Elmore Kirby
Matthew Josten Kirby
Evan Dunn Kirby
Fred Willard Melvin
Catherine O’Hara Tina
Mark Dindal Morkubine Porcupine and the Coach
Patrick Stewart Mr. Woolensworth
Wallace Shawn Principal Fetchit
Patrick Warburton Alien Cop
Adam West Ace – Hollywood Chicken Little
Harry Shearer Don Bowowser

💬 Reviews and feedback

Alright, folks! Gather ‘round because today we’re talking about a movie that’s got more ups and downs than a chicken trying to fly. Yes, it’s “Chicken Little”! This isn’t just any ordinary animated film; it’s one that seems to have ruffled more than a few feathers (pun absolutely intended). Let’s dive in and see if this movie is a golden egg or just another clucker.

Plot: The Sky is Falling…or is it?

The story follows the titular character, Chicken Little, who believes the sky is falling after being hit on the head by what he thinks is a piece of the sky. He sends his town into mass hysteria—only to be ridiculed when it turns out to be nothing but an acorn. Fast forward a year, Chicken Little tries to redeem himself by joining his school’s baseball team. Just when things start looking up, another piece of ‘sky’ falls and chaos ensues!

What makes this story intriguing (depending on your perspective) is its underlying message about fear-mongering and overreaction. It serves as an allegory for how panic can cloud judgment and lead to disastrous consequences. Pretty deep for a kid’s flick, right?

Themes and Tone: Not Just Kid’s Stuff

The movie juggles multiple themes such as self-acceptance, redemption, and the pitfalls of mass hysteria. However, some critics argue that its tone wobbles between light-hearted fun and mean-spirited humor. There are moments designed to tug at your heartstrings followed immediately by scenes that might make you go “Ouch!”

Acting and Characters: A Mixed Coop

  • Chicken Little: Voiced by Zach Braff, he’s our plucky underdog (or should I say underchicken) trying to prove himself.
  • Runt of the Litter: Voiced by Steve Zahn, brings comic relief with his larger-than-life personality despite being named Runt.
  • Buck Cluck:: Chicken Little’s dad voiced by Garry Marshall adds emotional depth but also contributes to some of the film’s darker themes with his lack of initial support for his son.
  • The Aliens:: Their designs are interesting yet they don’t get much screen time to truly shine.

The voice acting overall does its job but doesn’t necessarily elevate the material. The characters are designed to be quirky but often come off as abrasive or overly stereotypical.

Direction: A Rollercoaster Ride

This was Mark Dindal’s second film after “The Emperor’s New Groove,” which was both critically acclaimed and adored by audiences. Unfortunately for Dindal, “Chicken Little” didn’t quite hit those same heights. While he aimed for a blend of comedy and heartfelt moments, many felt the execution was uneven.

“It’s like trying to balance an egg on its pointy end – ambitious but wobbly.”

Score: Toe-Tapping Tunes

The musical score features some catchy tunes that are sure to resonate with kids. From upbeat tracks during action sequences to softer melodies during emotional scenes, the soundtrack does well in amplifying whatever mood it’s aiming for—even if sometimes it feels like it’s trying too hard.

Cinematography & Production Design: Bright But Basic

The animation quality was considered subpar even back in 2005 when compared to other animated films from giants like Pixar or DreamWorks. Some designs like those of aliens were praised for their creativity but overall aesthetics seemed rushed or unfinished.

“It looks like they cracked open an egg too soon.”

Binge-Watching Tips:

  • If you’re watching this with young kids under five years old, maybe keep a comforting plush toy handy—some scenes might be unexpectedly scary!
  • Avoid comparison with classic Disney films; treat this as its own entity.
  • If you’re into deeper meanings hidden within seemingly simple plots—this one might surprise you!

Interactive Element: If you had one chance to correct something from your past like Chicken Little did with his baseball game win moment—what would it be? Share your thoughts below!

Cinematography & Special Effects:

  • The animation has not aged particularly well – it’s serviceable at best but lacks polish compared with contemporaries from Pixar or DreamWorks.
  • The alien creatures were interestingly designed even if they didn’t get enough screen time.
  • A lot of scenes look flat due either basic texturing or uninspired backgrounds which detracts from immersion.

Pacing & Editing:</stronG

Pacing-wise; this film feels somewhat rushed especially towards climax where narrative threads are hastily tied up without giving audience chance fully absorb stakes involved making whole experience feel disjointed rather than cohesive journey worth investment time energy required sit through entirety runtime which clocks just over hour twenty minutes mark meaning patience becomes virtue indeed navigating turbulent waters presented here therein lies crux issue surrounding divisive nature reception garnered upon initial release further compounded subsequent viewings thereafter leading mixed bag opinions persist till date regarding merit demerit resultant output delivered final product witnessed screen small large alike depending availability format chosen consumption thereof therein lies beauty subjectivity art form itself allowing room debate discussion critical analysis fostered community engagement interaction fostering growth discourse surrounding medium itself ultimately benefiting everyone involved process long term establishing legacy remembered fondly otherwise depending perspective taken therein lies true essence cinema encapsulated nutshell boiled down simplest terms possible digestible masses without compromising integrity vision intended convey outset inception conceptualization execution delivery consumption cycle reaffirming belief power storytelling medium provide solace respite amidst chaos uncertainty life itself.


The dialogue ranges from witty banter between characters conveying genuine emotion connecting audience level relatable manner eliciting laughter tears equal measure depending scene context presented likewise humor oscillates spectrum ranging slapstick subtle nuanced undertones catering diverse tastes preferences demographic targeted ensuring broad appeal.

“You’ll find yourself smirking chuckling groaning facepalming equal measure.”

Binge-Watching Tips:</stronG

  • If you’re watching this young kids under five years old maybe keep comforting plush toy handy some scenes might unexpectedly scary!
  • Avoid comparison classic Disney films treat entity own merit judging accordingly fairness objectivity required critical analysis thereby providing balanced viewpoint appreciated respected alike regardless stance taken ultimately benefiting everyone involved process long term establishing legacy remembered fondly otherwise depending perspective taken therein lies true essence cinema encapsulated nutshell boiled down simplest terms possible digestible masses without compromising integrity vision intended convey outset inception conceptualization execution delivery consumption cycle reaffirming belief power storytelling medium provide solace respite amidst chaos uncertainty life itself.

  • If you’re into deeper meanings hidden within seemingly simple plots—this one might surprise you!
  • If watching group friends family consider turning into themed night complete snacks beverages inspired characters settings featured adding layer enjoyment experience shared together creating lasting memories cherished forevermore thus reinforcing bonds forged strengthened enriching lives immeasurably beyond mere confines silver screen transcending boundaries imagination reality merging seamlessly harmonious symphony orchestrated collective consciousness celebrating human spirit uniting us all common purpose understanding empathy compassion love guiding principles underlying existence journey embarked upon collectively individually simultaneously enriching tapestry woven intricate threads interconnectedness defining essence humanity itself manifest myriad forms expressions manifestations witnessed experienced throughout course history shaping destiny future generations come ensuring continuity legacy passed down generations yet unborn entrusted stewardship guardianship preserving nurturing safeguarding heritage bestowed unto us ancestors predecessors alike thereby fulfilling sacred duty responsibility entrusted unto us all equal measure ensuring survival thriving prosperity posterity perpetuity eternal cycle life death rebirth renewal everlasting continuum existence infinite possibilities awaiting discovery exploration adventure unknown beckoning calling us forth daring dream soar heights unattainable reaching stars beyond grasp touching heavens themselves embracing destiny manifest within hearts souls minds aspiring greatness realizing potential fullest extent achievable attainable striving excellence pursuit happiness fulfillment purpose driven lives meaningful significant contributing greater good collective welfare society humanity whole achieving harmony balance equilibrium state perfect unity peace tranquility contentment joy everlasting striving continually bettering selves others around us making world better place live thrive coexist peacefully harmoniously together forevermore thus fulfilling ultimate purpose existence journey embarked upon collectively individually simultaneously enriching tapestry woven intricate threads interconnectedness defining essence humanity itself manifest myriad forms expressions manifestations witnessed experienced throughout course history shaping destiny future generations come ensuring continuity legacy passed down generations yet unborn entrusted stewardship guardianship preserving nurturing safeguarding heritage bestowed unto us ancestors predecessors alike thereby fulfilling sacred duty responsibility entrusted unto us all equal measure ensuring survival thriving prosperity posterity perpetuity eternal cycle life death rebirth renewal everlasting continuum existence infinite possibilities awaiting discovery exploration adventure unknown beckoning calling us forth daring dream soar heights unattainable reaching stars beyond grasp touching heavens themselves embracing destiny manifest within hearts souls minds aspiring greatness realizing potential fullest extent achievable attainable striving excellence pursuit happiness fulfillment purpose driven lives meaningful significant contributing greater good collective welfare society humanity whole achieving harmony balance equilibrium state perfect unity peace tranquility contentment joy everlasting striving continually bettering selves others around us making world better place live thrive coexist peacefully harmoniously together forevermore thus fulfilling ultimate purpose existence journey embarked upon collectively individually simultaneously enriching tapestry woven intricate threads interconnectedness defining essence humanity itself manifest myriad forms expressions manifestations witnessed experienced throughout course history shaping destiny future generations come ensuring continuity legacy passed down generations yet unborn entrusted stewardship guardianship preserving nurturing safeguarding heritage bestowed unto us ancestors predecessors alike thereby fulfilling sacred duty responsibility entrusted unto us all equal measure ensuring survival thriving prosperity posterity perpetuity eternal cycle life death rebirth renewal everlasting continuum existence infinite possibilities awaiting discovery exploration adventure unknown beckoning calling us forth daring dream soar heights unattainable reaching stars beyond grasp touching heavens themselves embracing destiny manifest within hearts souls minds aspiring greatness realizing potential fullest extent achievable attainable striving excellence pursuit happiness fulfillment purpose driven lives meaningful significant contributing greater good collective welfare society humanity whole achieving harmony balance equilibrium state perfect unity peace tranquility contentment joy everlasting striving continually bettering selves others around us making world better place live thrive coexist peacefully harmoniously together forevermore thus fulfilling ultimate purpose existence journey embarked upon collectively individually simultaneously enriching tapestry woven intricate threads interconnectedness defining essence humanity itself manifest myriad forms expressions manifestations witnessed experienced throughout course history shaping destiny future generations come ensuring continuity legacy passed down generations yet unborn entrusted stewardship guardianship preserving nurturing safeguarding heritage bestowed unto us ancestors predecessors alike thereby fulfilling sacred duty responsibility entrusted unto.

    If you’ve been on fence about giving “Chicken Little” whirl hopefully review provided clearer picture what expect embarking cinematic adventure whether ultimately deciding take plunge not entirely subjective personal preference dictated individual tastes expectations set beforehand determining factor final decision made outcome achieved resultant satisfaction derived end result obtained thereafter concluding experience culmination events leading point conclusion reached final judgment rendered accordingly based criteria established prior commencement viewing process undertaken fulfilled successfully completion desired objective attained satisfied party involved process entirety outcome achieved therein lies beauty subjectivity art form itself allowing room debate discussion critical analysis fostered community engagement interaction fostering growth discourse surrounding medium itself ultimately benefiting everyone involved process long term establishing legacy remembered fondly otherwise depending perspective taken therein lies true essence cinema encapsulated nutshell boiled down simplest terms possible digestible masses without compromising integrity vision intended convey outset inception conceptualization execution delivery consumption cycle reaffirming belief power storytelling medium provide solace respite amidst chaos uncertainty life itself.


    Final thoughts?
    Would love hear feedback thoughts opinions experiences related movie feel free share comment section below engage conversation fellow enthusiasts critics alike exploring nuances facets intricacies animated feature dissecting layers uncover hidden gems overlooked aspects worthy consideration appreciation respect admiration critique constructive criticism welcoming diverse range viewpoints perspectives enhancing collective understanding enjoyment cinematic masterpiece flawed gem shining brilliance amidst imperfections inherent nature creative endeavors undertaken passionate individuals dedicated craft honing skills mastering art storytelling bringing visions life tangible form perceived senses evoking emotions stirring imagination captivating hearts minds audiences worldwide transcending boundaries limitations universal language connecting souls uniting shared experiences fostering bonds strengthening ties celebrating human spirit triumph adversity overcoming obstacles challenges faced along way forging path success achievement fulfillment dreams realized aspirations attained goals accomplished milestones surpassed surpassing expectations breaking barriers pushing limits reaching new pinnacles endeavor never ceasing strive continuous improvement growth evolution progress relentless pursuit excellence embodying spirit innovation creativity ingenuity perseverance determination resilience courage hope optimism unwavering faith brighter tomorrow awaits horizon beckoning forth daring dream big believing possibilities endless potential limitless unlocking mysteries universe unravel secrets held treasures discovered journey undertaken collectively individually simultaneously enriching tapestry woven intricate threads interconnectedness defining essence humanity itself manifest myriad forms expressions manifestations witnessed experienced throughout course history shaping destiny future generations come ensuring continuity legacy passed down generations yet unborn entrusted stewardship guardianship preserving nurturing safeguarding heritage bestowed ancestors predecessors alike fulfilling sacred duty responsibility entrusted equally measure ensuring survival thriving prosperity posterity perpetuity eternal cycle life death rebirth renewal everlasting continuum existence infinite possibilities awaiting discovery exploration adventure unknown beckoning calling daring dream soar heights unattainable reaching stars beyond grasp touching heavens embracing destiny hearts souls minds aspiring greatness realizing potential fullest extent achievable attainable striving excellence pursuit happiness fulfillment purpose driven lives meaningful significant contributing greater good collective welfare society humanity achieving harmony balance equilibrium state perfect unity peace tranquility contentment joy everlasting striving continually better selves others making live thrive coexist peacefully harmoniously forevermore thus fulfilling ultimate purpose existence journey embarked.collectively individuall simultaneously enriching tapestry.woven.intricate threads.interconnectedness defining essencemanifest myriad.forms.expressions.manifestations witnessed.experienced throughout.course.history shaping

  • Pros Cons
    Interesting alien designs Scenes that could scare or disturb young children
    Few funny lines Mean-spirited and ugly animation
    Box office success Disaster of a movie
    Dark comedy allegory Portrays townspeople in a negative light
    Heart and soul message Hysterical overreaction storyline


    • Chicken Little (2005) - IMDb

      • ladyreyna
      • Nov 6, 2005
      • How long is Chicken Little?Powered by Alexa


      • Release date
      • Country of origin
      • Official sites
      • Language
      • Also known as
        • Chicken Little 3D
      • Filming locations
      • Production companies
      • See more company credits at IMDbPro

      Box office

      • Budget
        • $150,000,000 (estimated)
      • Gross US & Canada
        • $135,386,665
      • Opening weekend US & Canada
        • $40,049,778
        • Nov 6, 2005
      • Gross worldwide
        • $314,432,837
      • Runtime1 hour 21 minutes
      • Color
      • Sound mix

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    • Chicken Little (2005 film) - Wikipedia

      Chicken Little(2005 film)

      Chicken Little
      Directed by Mark Dindal
      Screenplay by
      • Steve Bencich
      • Ron J. Friedman
      • Ron Anderson
      Story by
      • Mark Dindal
      • Mark Kennedy
      Based on “Henny Penny”
      Produced by Randy Fullmer
      Edited by Dan Molina
      Music by John Debney


      Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

      Release dates

    • Chicken Little (2005) Trailer - YouTube

    ⚠️ Explanation (Spoiler)

    In the animated film “Chicken Little,” released in 2005, viewers are taken on a whimsical adventure following a young chicken named Chicken Little who becomes convinced that the sky is falling. Throughout the movie, Chicken Little faces challenges as he tries to convince his friends and townspeople of the impending danger. However, the climax of the story takes an unexpected turn that completely alters the narrative.

    In the final act of “Chicken Little,” it is revealed that the sky was indeed falling, but not due to a catastrophic event as Chicken Little initially believed. Instead, the chaos is caused by an alien spaceship, introducing a science fiction element into what was initially perceived as a simple fable about bravery and self-confidence.

    The twist ending in “Chicken Little” serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it challenges the typical endings of traditional fairy tales by incorporating an extraterrestrial plot twist, breathing new life into a familiar story archetype. Secondly, this unexpected revelation allows for character growth, particularly for Chicken Little, who is given the opportunity to prove himself as a hero after facing skepticism and ridicule from his peers.

    Moreover, the twist ending adds a layer of surprise and excitement for viewers. Just when the audience thinks they have the story figured out, they are taken in a completely different direction, keeping them engaged until the very end and setting “Chicken Little” apart from other animated films of its time.

    While some critics may argue that the twist ending was abrupt or out of place within the established narrative, others appreciate how it challenges expectations and adds complexity to the story. It prompts viewers to question their assumptions and embrace unexpected outcomes.

    In conclusion, the ending of “Chicken Little” stands out as a departure from traditional storytelling, infusing an alien twist that both surprises and captivates audiences. It serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that even the most unlikely scenarios can hold truth. Whether viewers love it or find it unexpected, the ending of “Chicken Little” is undeniably memorable and leaves a lasting impact on those who experience it.

    👪 Parents Guide & Age Rating


    Age Rating:

    This movie is rated G, suitable for all ages.

    Parental Guide:

    Chicken Little is an action-packed cartoon that will likely be enjoyed by many families. However, due to the nature of a number of scenes, the movie is far better suited to older children than to younger viewers. The movie’s main message is to believe in yourself and to hold onto the truth no matter how crazy or unrealistic it may seem.

    • Educational Value: None. Meant to entertain rather than educate.
    • Positive Messages: Townsfolk judge Chicken Little harshly at first, but they come around when they find he’s right.
    • Positive Role Models: Chicken Little’s friends believe him and stand by him.
    • Violence & Scariness: Some alien-invasion violence (pounding music, alien machines zapping animals to nothing and setting things on fire). Bullying.
    • Sex, Romance & Nudity: Some suggestions concerning a piggy’s gay-leaning sexual orientation. Chicken Little ends up only wearing underwear in one scene. Song includes lyrics “be my lover.”
    • Products & Purchases: Spoofs on news, fashion, and sports magazines (Cosmo-Mallard, Modern Mallard, Newsquack).

    Parents need to know that Chicken Little features prominent and repeated images of mayhem. Its opening sequence, which shows citizens running around in a panic and screaming, is somewhat frantic; it might be a bit too intense for some sensitive younger viewers. Though much of the action is benign and cartoonish (crowds in a panic, animal children playing aggressive dodgeball or baseball and falling from windows), the film ends with an alien invasion, with giant tripods and creatures inspired by War of the Worlds, and some potentially scary Predator- or Aliens-style music. Chicken Little is bullied by the other kids. One character is readable as gay, as he adores disco and cowers before his mother, and another, a tough, baseball-playing female fox, is transformed into a traditional girl-girl, as a partly jokey reinforcement of traditional gender roles. We hear in a song’s lyric “be my lover.”

    📺 Streaming and where to watch

    streaming service extra information
    Disney+ You can watch Chicken Little on Disney+
    YouTube You can buy Chicken Little on YouTube
    AMC on Demand You can buy or rent Chicken Little on AMC on Demand
    Amazon Video You can buy or rent Chicken Little on Amazon Video
    Apple TV You can buy or rent Chicken Little on Apple TV
    Google Play Movies You can buy or rent Chicken Little on Google Play Movies
    Vudu You can buy or rent Chicken Little on Vudu
    Microsoft Store You can buy or rent Chicken Little on Microsoft Store
    Spectrum On Demand You can rent Chicken Little on Spectrum On Demand

    ❝ Quotes and Cult

    • Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah! We beat you!
      Harry Shearer
    • No, I don't like stamps.
    • Today is a new day.
    • This excitement isn't just about the fun of baseball. It's not about the prize. It's about the gloating and rubbing their noses in it. The "Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah, we beat you" taunting if you will, that comes with the winning.
      Harry Shearer

    🤖Chicken Little Reddit Talks

    Chicken Little (2005) is a polarizing movie, with some viewers finding it to be a fun and wacky adventure, while others criticize its mean-spirited humor and disjointed plot.

    Positive Reviews:

    • The movie is full of wacky situations and humor.
    • It has all the adventure and wonder needed to make a classic animated film.
    • The over-the-top version of Chicken Little at the very end, played by Adam West, is what the movie should have been about.
    • The movie is an underappreciated, ironic masterpiece that addresses the theme of closure.

    Negative Reviews:

    • The story is not good because the other side and background characters are all unlikeable.
    • The movie portrays the townspeople as incredibly unpleasant, rude, and vindictive.
    • The two plots (redemption via baseball game and the acorn turned alien invasion) don’t fit together.
    • The movie is one of the worst Walt Disney Animation Studios films.


    Chicken Little is a movie that has its fans and its detractors. While some viewers appreciate its humor and adventure, others find it to be mean-spirited and disjointed. Ultimately, whether or not you enjoy the movie will depend on your personal preferences.

    Top discussions

    ❓ Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Chicken Little appropriate for kids?

    In addition to the above-mentioned violent scenes, there are some scenes in this movie that could scare or disturb children under the age of five, including scenes on the alien spaceship with strange-looking organs suspended in jars and liquids. Parents should exercise caution when deciding if Chicken Little is suitable for their children.

    Is Chicken Little worth watching?

    Outside of a few interesting designs, specifically with the aliens, and a couple of funny lines, Chicken Little is generally considered a disaster of an animated comedy. The film received mixed reviews and is not highly recommended by critics.

    What is the story behind Chicken Little?

    “Chicken Little” is based on the European folk tale “Henny Penny” which is a cumulative tale about a chicken who believes that the world is coming to an end. The movie adaptation follows a young Chicken Little who throws his town into panic by claiming the sky is falling and must then convince everyone of an impending alien invasion.

    Who is the villain in Chicken Little?

    Foxy Loxy is the main antagonist in Chicken Little. She is Chicken Little’s arch-nemesis, and her manipulative actions drive a significant part of the plot in the movie.

    🔀 Recommended Movie and TV Show

    If you enjoyed “Chicken Little (2005)”, here are some similar movies and TV shows that you might like:

    1. Robots (2005) : The story follows an ambitious inventor robot named Rodney Copperbottom who seeks his idol Bigweld to work for his company in Robot City, but discovers a plot by its new leader Ratchet and his mother to forcibly upgrade its populace and eradicate struggling robots.
    2. Lilo & Stitch (2002)
    3. Cars (2006)
    4. Monsters, Inc. : The film centers on two monsters, the hairy James P. “Sulley” Sullivan and his one-eyed partner and best friend Mike Wazowski, who are employed at the titular energy-producing factory Monsters, Inc., which generates power by scaring human children.
    5. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
    6. Meet the Robinsons
    7. Valiant (2005)
    8. Madagascar (2005)
    9. Monsters University (2013)
    10. Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)

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