Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (Movie)

3 Min Read
Title — Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Available on — Netflix, Prime Video
Production Country — United States
Release Date — 2014
Learn how factory farming is decimating the planet's natural resources – and why this crisis has been largely ignored by major environmental groups.

ðŸŠķ Story & Synopsis

In the eye-opening documentary “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, viewers are taken on a shocking yet humorous journey with filmmaker Kip Andersen as he delves into the most destructive industry facing the planet today – animal agriculture. The film explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, shedding light on critical environmental concerns such as climate change, water use, deforestation, and more.

As Andersen uncovers the harsh realities of the industry, he also investigates why leading environmental organizations are hesitant to address this pressing issue. Through a series of audacious interviews, the documentary exposes the selfish agendas behind some of the biggest environmental organizations, revealing a side of the environmental movement that many are unaware of.

Throughout the film, Andersen’s journey takes a turn when he stumbles upon a United Nations report that unveils the “sustainability secret,” leading him to a profound realization about the true path to sustainability. The documentary skillfully combines humor, poignancy, and audacity to engage viewers and challenge their perspectives on environmentalism.

The film concludes with Andersen advocating for a vegan lifestyle as a moral imperative, emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of animals and the planet over personal needs. By showcasing examples of individuals successfully growing their own food for a plant-based diet, the documentary demonstrates the feasibility of sustainable living.

“Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” is a must-watch for audiences interested in environmental issues, offering a compelling narrative that exposes the hidden truths behind the environmental movement. While not every point in the film may be universally accepted, it effectively raises awareness about the environmental crisis caused by factory farming and the urgent need for action.

Overall, the documentary serves as a wake-up call to viewers, urging them to reconsider their consumption habits and take steps towards a more sustainable and compassionate future. Through its blend of humor, insight, and advocacy, “Cowspiracy” challenges viewers to confront the uncomfortable realities of animal agriculture and make conscious choices for the betterment of the planet.

🧑 Cast & Crew

Kip Andersen

Actor/Actress Role
Bruce Hamilton Cast
Kip Andersen Cast
Al Gore Cast
Heather Cooley Cast
Manucher Alemi Cast
Kamyar Guivetchi Cast
Richard Oppenlander Cast
Kirk R. Smith Cast

💎 Reviews and feedback

Have you ever pondered the environmental impact of your food choices? Well, strap in for a wild ride through the world of sustainability with “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret.” Directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, this documentary dives deep into the murky waters of animal agriculture and its profound effects on our planet.

Imagine a world where every bite you take leaves a footprint on the earth. “Cowspiracy” paints a vivid picture of the consequences of our everyday choices, shedding light on the often overlooked policies of environmental organizations regarding animal agriculture. It’s like uncovering a hidden treasure trove of eye-opening information that will leave you questioning your food habits.

The film is not for the faint-hearted, but fear not! Despite its ominous title, “Cowspiracy” is more about enlightening than frightening. There are no gruesome slaughterhouse scenes or graphic animal deaths; just powerful statistics and thought-provoking infographics that might just spark a revolution in your diet.

Through poignant storytelling and compelling visuals, the directors manage to strike a chord with viewers, nudging them towards considering a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. You might find yourself reevaluating your plate after watching this documentary – who knew that a machete-wielding duck could be so impactful?

Acting and Characters:

  • The real stars of this show are not actors but rather the animals and the environment itself. Their silent plea for change resonates throughout the film, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.


  • Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn skillfully navigate complex environmental issues with finesse, presenting them in an engaging and accessible manner. Their direction ensures that even the most daunting topics become digestible for all audiences.


  • The cinematography captures both the beauty of nature and the harsh realities of animal agriculture with equal precision. From lush greenery to stark factory farms, every frame tells a compelling story.


  • The score complements the narrative perfectly, enhancing emotional moments and driving home key messages. It serves as a powerful undercurrent that pulls viewers deeper into the world of “Cowspiracy.”

Binge-watching Tip: Pair “Cowspiracy” with other documentaries on sustainability to gain a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues from different perspectives.

So, is “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” worth your time? Absolutely! This documentary isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about igniting change. Prepare to be informed, inspired, and maybe even persuaded to rethink your dietary choices.

In conclusion, “Cowspiracy” isn’t merely a film; it’s a call to action disguised as entertainment. Let it challenge your beliefs, stir your emotions, and propel you towards a greener future.

Ratings: 9/10

Pros Cons
Raises awareness about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment Some graphic scenes of animal death
Powerful statistics and creative infographics Uses poor citations and misleading statistics
Promotes vegan/vegetarian lifestyle Based on flawed interpretations of science
Informative and eye-opening Controversial premise
Encourages viewers to rethink food habits Some viewers may find the content scary
Appropriate for all ages May come across as preachy


  • Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014) - IMDb

    None of his efforts seemed to help much, instead, as years went by, things were getting worse. Kip then read an unprecedented United Nation’s report and once again, everything changed… this time for good. The “sustainability secret” was unveiled and that’s when this fun journey begins.”Cowspiracy” is the longest overdue film; it is audacious, poignant and funny. Kip’s interviews expose the selfish and shameless agenda behind some of the biggest “Environmental” Organizations in a way that both opens eyes and entertains.

  • Cowspiracy - Wikipedia

    Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secretis a 2014 American documentary film produced and directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn. The film explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment—examining such environmental concerns as climate change, water use, deforestation, and ocean dead zones—and investigates the policies of several environmental organizations on the issue.

    Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
    Directed by Kip Andersen

    Keegan Kuhn

    Produced by Kip Andersen

    Keegan Kuhn

    Starring Kip Andersen

    Howard LymanRichard OppenlanderMichael Pollan

  • COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret

    About the Film

    Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secretis a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

⚠ïļ Explanation (Spoiler)

In the documentary “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the filmmakers delve into the profound impact of animal agriculture on the environment. The film meticulously examines pressing environmental issues such as climate change, water consumption, deforestation, and the creation of ocean dead zones. Through their investigative lens, Andersen and Kuhn scrutinize the policies of various environmental organizations regarding this critical matter.

The documentary sheds light on the significant role animal agriculture plays in environmental degradation, urging viewers to contemplate the consequences of their dietary choices on the planet. By featuring prominent figures like Michael Pollan, Howard Lyman, and Michael Klaper, the film presents a compelling narrative that challenges conventional beliefs about the sustainability of current food production systems.

One of the key aspects explored in the film is the discrepancy between the public perception of environmental threats and the actions taken by major environmental organizations. Andersen and Kuhn scrutinize organizations such as Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and Oceana, questioning their stance on animal agriculture and its environmental ramifications.

Through crowdfunding efforts on Indiegogo, the filmmakers were able to surpass their financial goal, enabling them to translate the documentary into multiple languages and reach a global audience. The success of the film led to an updated version, endorsed by Leonardo DiCaprio, being released on Netflix, amplifying its reach and impact.

The documentary’s core message challenges viewers to reconsider the impact of their dietary choices on the environment and prompts a deeper reflection on the interconnectedness of food production, sustainability, and environmental conservation. By featuring a diverse array of experts and advocates, “Cowspiracy” presents a compelling case for reevaluating the prevailing norms of animal agriculture and its implications for the planet.

Despite receiving accolades such as the Audience Choice Award at the South African Eco Film Festival and the Best Foreign Film Award at the Festival de films de Portneuf sur l’environnement, “Cowspiracy” has faced criticism for its bold assertion that animal agriculture is the primary driver of greenhouse gas emissions. While the film’s perspective has sparked debate, it remains a thought-provoking exploration of the environmental impact of industrial livestock production and the urgent need for sustainable practices in the food industry.

👊 Parents Guide & Age Rating


Age Rating:

This documentary film “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” has a maturity rating of 13+.

Parental Guide:

Parents should be aware that this documentary explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, addressing environmental concerns such as climate change, water use, deforestation, and ocean dead zones. It investigates the policies of various environmental organizations on this issue.

The film is informative and investigative in nature, focusing on sustainability and environmental issues. It does not contain explicit content such as sex, nudity, violence, gore, or profanity that would be unsuitable for viewers aged 13 and above.

Parents can feel comfortable allowing teenagers aged 13 and older to watch this documentary to gain insights into environmental sustainability and the impact of animal agriculture on the planet.

📚 Streaming and where to watch

streaming service extra information
Netflix Learn how factory farming is decimating the planet’s natural resources — and why this crisis has been largely ignored by major environmental groups.
Prime Video A groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today.

❝ Quotes and Cult

  • You either live for something or die for nothing.
    Kip Andersen
  • You can't be an environmentalist and eat animal products. Period!
    Howard Lyman
  • Do what you can do as well as you can do it every day of your life and you will end up dieing one of the happiest individuals that ever ever died.
    Howard Lyman

ðŸĪ–Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret Reddit Talks

Cowspiracy: Exploring the Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture

Cowspiracy, a thought-provoking documentary directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, delves into the often-overlooked impact of animal agriculture on our planet. The film raises critical questions about the environmental sustainability of meat and dairy production, challenging viewers to reconsider their dietary choices.

Animal Agriculture and Environmental Degradation

The documentary presents a compelling case that animal agriculture is a major contributor to environmental degradation. It highlights the industry’s significant greenhouse gas emissions, which rival those of the transportation sector. Additionally, the film discusses the vast amounts of land, water, and resources required to raise livestock, leading to deforestation, water scarcity, and pollution.

Environmental Organizations’ Silence

One of the most striking aspects of Cowspiracy is its exploration of the silence surrounding the environmental impact of animal agriculture. The film criticizes major environmental organizations for downplaying or ignoring this issue, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence. This omission, the documentary argues, hinders efforts to address climate change and other environmental challenges.

Ethical Implications

Beyond the environmental concerns, Cowspiracy also raises ethical questions about the treatment of animals in factory farms. The film exposes the cruel and inhumane conditions in which animals are often raised, highlighting the suffering and exploitation they endure.

Emotional Impact

Many viewers find Cowspiracy to be an emotionally challenging film. The graphic footage of animal cruelty and the stark portrayal of environmental destruction can be difficult to watch. However, the filmmakers argue that this discomfort is necessary to raise awareness and inspire change.

Controversy and Criticism

Cowspiracy has sparked controversy and debate since its release. Critics have questioned the accuracy of some of the film’s claims, particularly its assertion that animal agriculture is the leading cause of environmental problems. Despite these criticisms, the film has garnered widespread attention and has contributed to a growing conversation about the sustainability of our food system.

Age Appropriateness

Cowspiracy is rated PG-13 for some graphic content and mature themes. Parents are advised to preview the film before allowing younger children to watch it.


Cowspiracy is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that challenges viewers to confront the environmental and ethical implications of animal agriculture. While some may find its message uncomfortable, the film’s impact cannot be denied. It has raised awareness, sparked debate, and inspired individuals to make more sustainable choices.

Top discussions

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main message of the Cowspiracy movie?

The main message of Cowspiracy is to explore the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and investigate the policies of environmental organizations regarding this issue. The documentary aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of food habits.

Is Cowspiracy a good documentary?

Overall, Cowspiracy is recommended for an environmentally-focused audience. While not every point in the film may be entirely accurate, it sheds light on real environmental issues that are often overlooked or kept secret.

How does Cowspiracy end?

Cowspiracy ends with a moral argument for veganism, emphasizing that we should not take another animal’s life for our own needs. The documentary showcases examples of individuals successfully growing their own food for a plant-based diet.

What is the sustainability secret?

The sustainability secret highlighted in Cowspiracy is the devastating impact of factory farming on the planet’s natural resources. The film exposes how major environmental groups have largely ignored this crisis.

Who are Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn?

Keegan Kuhn is an American documentary filmmaker, director, producer, and professional musician. He is best known for co-directing documentary films like Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret and What the Health with Kip Andersen.

🔀 Recommended Movie and TV Show

  1. What the Health: A documentary exploring the impact of the food industry on health, produced by the same team as Cowspiracy.
  2. Earthlings: A powerful documentary exposing the treatment of animals in various industries.
  3. Forks Over Knives: Investigates the link between degenerative diseases and the Western diet.
  4. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet: A documentary reflecting on the natural world and the impact of human activities.
  5. Seaspiracy: Focuses on the environmental impact of the fishing industry on marine life.
  6. My Octopus Teacher: A heartwarming documentary about a filmmaker’s bond with an octopus.
  7. The Elephant Queen: Follows the journey of an elephant matriarch in Africa.
  8. Food, Inc.: Reveals the truth behind the food industry and its impact on society.
  9. Before the Flood: Explores the effects of climate change and possible solutions, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio.

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