In the Netflix comedy television show "Bumping Mics with Jeff Ross & Dave Attell," viewers are treated to a hilarious and raucous experience as two…
Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka takes viewers on an exhilarating journey with Bheem and his friends as they venture to China to partake in an…
"Dark Crimes" is a gripping crime drama film directed by Alexandros Avranas and written by Jeremy Brock, based on a compelling 2008 article in The…
Embark on a journey of love and connection in the vibrant city of São Paulo with "Dating Around: Brazil." This Brazilian reality TV show, an…
"Class of '61" is a gripping drama that delves into the lives of three West Point cadets and friends who find themselves torn apart by…
In the Nigerian comedy drama film "Chief Daddy," directed by Niyi Akinmolayan and released in December 2018, the storyline revolves around the larger-than-life character of…