In the mystical world of "Cursed," viewers are transported into a re-imagined version of the Arthurian legend, seen through the perspective of Nimue, a young…
In the heart-pounding disaster film "Dante's Peak," directed by Roger Donaldson and written by Leslie Bohem, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey to the…
In the movie "Cops and Robbers," a high-stakes thriller unfolds as a strung-out hostage negotiator finds himself entangled in a dangerous game of cat and…
In the captivating TV series "Civilizations," viewers are taken on a mesmerizing journey across the globe, exploring a myriad of cultural landmarks that have shaped…
In the thrilling TV show "Dangerous Roads," viewers are taken on a gripping journey alongside British celebrities as they navigate some of the most treacherous…
In "A Bad Moms Christmas," directed by Jon Lucas and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, viewers are taken on a wild holiday ride…